The UN definition of torture distinguishes between torture and other forms of cruel , inhuman or degrading treatment . The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture 38 has pointed out that , to determine whether an act constitutes torture or not , the crucial element is whether the survivor is under the control of the abuser . Where the abuser has full control over the survivor , as in imprisonment , and where pain and suffering are deliberately inflicted , by a public agent or with their acquiescence , it is torture . The distinction may be difficult to draw and is not always important from a clinicalpsychological perspective . One reason is that , as research has shown , ill-treatment may often not differ from torture in terms of the degree of mental pain and illness that is inflicted . 39
Some forms of torture or ill-treatment can be described as “ no touch torture ”. They leave behind serious mental wounds but not necessarily physical wounds or injuries . 40 Some states have attempted to reclassify non-physical torture as cruel and inhumane treatment . But mock executions , threats of torture , forced presence during the torture of others , degrading treatment , and isolation all cause serious mental pain and have been found to be at least as harmful to the mental health of survivors as torture methods that inflict direct and intense physical pain . 41 Psychological or non-physical violence should continue to be described as torture . Recent studies have also indicated that , for those who are tortured , the context in which torture occurs is as decisive as the method of torture . 42 Sexual torture ( against women or men ) is considered to be one of the worst forms of torture and can affect people for the rest of their life .
Advice to trainers
Let the participants stretch their bodies and walk around a little . Before you start the next session , spend some time doing a grounding and breathing exercise , to get the group back on track .