Rama from Nepal
After a year of continuous counselling , Rama was finally able to identify the perpetrator – the man from the school . Once , she told the councillor that she was afraid of harming herself . She was also hospitalised because she started showing psychotic behaviour . She would hallucinate , say that someone was trying to get at her , feel that someone was trying to tell her something . Rama was hospitalised for a few days . Afterwards , she continued her counselling sessions , could differentiate between truth and imagination , and was able to go to school again .
Sunita blamed herself for her daughter ’ s situation . She too went for counselling . Though raised alone by her mother , Rama had support from her aunts , her mother ’ s employers , and some church members . Sometimes the church members suggested that she might be possessed by the devil , so they used to have prayer services for her .
What helped
When Rama came to the counsellor , she was afraid . Neither the counsellor nor Rama knew what was happening . It took them almost six months to find out that she had been sexually abused and almost a year to find out who the abuser was . It took lots of grounding exercises to reduce Rama ’ s anxiety .
In the first session , she was so anxious that the counsellor worked only on calming her . Counting the objects around the counselling room and deep breathing helped her . The counsellor challenged many negative thoughts and turned them into positive statements . She used several techniques . She and Rama created a coping toolbox together , with lots of activities for Rama to do when she felt anxious . They made a list , which Rama posted in a visible place in her room . Much encouragement , positive affirmation , some Biblical encouragement , prayers , and many therapeutic activities enabled Rama finally to restart school .
At the end , Rama was able to see the abuser at school without being scared and anxious . ( She did not want to press charges because the man was married and had a small baby .) She was also able to separate her hallucinations from reality . ( She could say that the figure she saw and the voice she heard were not real and she could challenge them .) She was able to face her fears and go to school .
After almost two years , she reduced her sessions from once a week to once a fortnight , then once a month . The counsellor recommended a follow-up session every three months and then six months ; but these did not take place .