HHRI_children_ENG_web3 | Page 14


1.4 The global context

Aim . To show that the breakdown of social structures worsens the incidence of sexual violence .
Mistreatment of children is a global problem . A review of 217 studies found that one in eight children across the world ( 12.7 %) had been sexually abused before reaching the age of 18 . Most research on child abuse has focused on sexual abuse , but it is likely that other forms of abuse ( PA , EA ) are as frequent and often coincide . Sexual abuse has been found to have particularly severe consequences and is often associated with stigma and secrecy .
In humanitarian emergencies and disasters , children are particularly vulnerable to violence , abuse , exploitation and neglect . These abuses are likely to increase in situations where protective norms cease to function . In armed conflicts and refugee settings , girls are particularly exposed to sexual and other forms of abuse , as well as exploitation by combatants , security forces , members of their communities , aid workers , and others .
In general , orphans , unwanted children , and children who are unprotected for other reasons , are especially vulnerable to abuse . Children with special needs , physical or intellectual disabilities or neurological disorders are also at increased risk , as are children and adolescents who identify ( or are identified ) as lesbian , gay , bisexual or transgender .
Child abuse may also increase when caregivers or their communities experience financial difficulties , housing problems , unemployment or severe stress , or when for any reason childcare breaks down within extended family systems . Abuse of alcohol and drugs , gender and social inequality , involvement in criminal activity , isolation , family breakdown , or violence between family members are additional risk factors .
Caregivers are more likely to abuse those in their care if they have certain characteristics . For example , if caregivers were themselves abused , have low self-esteem , have poor impulse control , or lack understanding of child development .
Although sexual violence occurs everywhere , risks surge in emergency contexts . During armed conflict , natural disasters and other humanitarian emergencies , women and children are especially vulnerable to sexual violence . This includes conflict-related sexual violence and trafficking for sexual exploitation , as well as other forms of gender-based violence . These crimes are significantly underreported . Save the Children ( 2017 ) estimated
“ Although sexual violence occurs everywhere , risks surge in emergency contexts . During armed conflict , natural disasters and other humanitarian emergencies , women and children are especially vulnerable to sexual violence . This includes conflict-related sexual violence and trafficking for sexual exploitation , as well as other forms of gender-based violence .” that more than 20 % of all children worldwide have experienced sexual abuse . The UN High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR , 2017 ) reported that boys as young as 10 years of age were subjected to sexual violence in connection with incarceration or arrest during the conflict in Syria . In a qualitative study of relief workers and refugees in Italy , the Women ’ s Refugee Commission ( 2019 ) found that a larger number of single male minors crossing the Mediterranean had suffered sexual abuse . Save the Children ’ s report in 2017 found that children who were placed in , or had an association with , asylum centres were very likely to experience violence or sexual abuse .