INTRODUCTION of the practical skills and approaches it describes , and also refers to the stories . Sections in this Part discuss how a helper or carer can talk appropriately to children , identify opportunities to create trust , respect a child ’ s desire for “ distance ” and silence , and appreciate their resilience and capacity to survive . In terms of practical approaches , this Part describes additional techniques , exercises and tools that can assist helpers to understand and regulate children ’ s emotions .
Part Five focuses on helpers . Empathy is an important quality for a helper or caregiver ; to be able to take care of children who have been traumatised , helpers must feel for the children in their care but must not be overwhelmed by what the children have suffered . This section discusses how to manage the stresses to which helpers are exposed when they work with children who have experienced sexual abuse .
Throughout the manual you will find exercises and questions to reflect on .
In Appendix 2 we have gathered more stories from around the world to assist helpers to understand the different experiences and more reactions they see in children exposed to sexual abuse and also describes different context for the child and for the helper . These stories can be used when talking to children . The stories enable the helper and the child to examine painful experiences and emotions from a more detached perspective . Stories make experiences and feelings easier to understand and deal with ; they make difficult topics safer to touch .
Since this is not an academic text , for readability there are no references in the text , but for your convenience and further reading , we have added a list of literature that we have used in making the manual .
Keys to symbols
Questions to reflect on
Helper Advice
Role Play Exercise Role Play exercises , for pairs .
Workshop Exercise Exercises in plenary or small groups .
Work with children