HHE Sponsored supplement: Sepsis | Page 5

Organ dysfunction can be scored using the Sequential [Sepsis-related] Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA), a validated risk stratification tool for intensive care patients with organ dysfunction.8 The variables in SOFA include respiratory function (and mechanical support), platelet count, bilirubin, blood pressure (and pressor use), conscious level, creatinine and urine output. Increasing SOFA points (0–4) for each organ system relate to increasing abnormality. Big data analysis showed an increase in the SOFA score by 2 points or more from the patient’s normal baseline was associated with >10% increase in mortality. 3 To aid clinicians in non-intensive care settings, quick SOFA (qSOFA) can be used to identify patients with suspected infections who are likely to have poor outcomes (prolonged stay in intensive care or death in hospital). 3 qSOFA does not require any laboratory measurements and is based on the three simple bedside criteria of altered mentation (any abnormal Glasgow Coma Score), systolic blood pressure of 100mmHg or less, and a respiratory rate of 22/min or greater. A qSOFA score of two or three was present in 24% of infected patients, but these patients accounted for 70% of poor outcomes. 9 Of note, qSOFA is not designed to be a screening tool and is not diagnostic of sepsis. 10 Failure to meet two or more qSOFA criteria should not lead to delays in investigation or treatment of infection. 3 associated with a mortality of 42.3%, compared with 25–30% in those with organ dysfunction with either hyperlactataemia or hypotension or neither. 13 Pathophysiology Sepsis is a syndrome with an incompletely understood pathophysiology, involving both immunological and non-immunological pathways. The response of an individual to infection depends on multiple factors including the pathogen load and virulence and the host’s comorbidities, age, genetic composition and medications. 14 Pro-inflammatory and anti- inflammatory responses occur simultaneously and early in sepsis and it has been proposed that immunosuppression, rather than inflammation, may be the predominant driving force for the mortality in sepsis. 15 Non-immune processes involved in sepsis include modulation of cardiovascular, autonomic, hormonal, metabolic and coagulation pathways. 16,17 Organ dysfunction in sepsis is likely to be caused by several factors including hypotension, microvascular abnormalities, damage to vascular endothelium leading to oedema, and mitochondrial dysfunction impairing cellular oxygen utilisation. 18 Diagnosing sepsis As yet, there is no ‘gold-standard’ diagnostic test for sepsis. Sepsis is a syndrome that is initially identified by a constellation of clinical signs and symptoms in a patient with likely or suspected infection, and confirmed by evidence of organ dysfunction and, ideally, formal confirmation of an infecting pathogen. The Surviving Sepsis Campaign 19 advocates the taking of blood cultures prior to the initiation of antibiotic therapy; however, even when microbiological tests are performed, culture-positive sepsis is observed in only 30–40% cases. 20 Novel molecular technologies will improve the yield though the danger of such tests is over-sensitivity. Despite the removal of SIRS criteria from the definition of sepsis, the use of pyrexia and neutrophilia should still prompt consideration of infection, albeit these are non-specific signs. Indeed, up to 40% of patients initially suspected of having sepsis turn out to have a non-infectious condition. 21 The likely initial source of infection can be identified from a careful history (for example, dysuria, productive cough), clinical examination (for example, peritonitis, rash) and imaging (for example, chest X-ray showing lung consolidation, computerised topography showing liver abscess). A patient can be infected without having sepsis; therefore evidence of organ dysfunction must be demonstrated to fulfil the criteria for sepsis. Hyperlactataemia, while not specific to sepsis, can help identify patients at risk of poor outcomes, with higher lactate levels predictive of higher mortality. 22 However, significant numbers of septic but normo-lactataemic patients die, so the absence of an elevated lactate should not necessarily reassure. The use of biomarkers in diagnosing sepsis is the subject of much research. Liu and colleagues reviewed 60 biomarkers used in the diagnosis of sepsis, seven of which displayed moderate or Sepsis definitions in paediatric populations and in low-income countries The Sepsis-3 Task Force focussed on adult patients, using electronic healthcare record data from patients in high-income countries, predominantly the USA. 3 Matics and Sanchez- Pinto adapted and validated a paediatric version of the SOFA score (pSOFA) with age-adjusted variables and they found assessment of the Sepsis-3 definition in critically ill children was feasible. 11 Rudd and colleagues evaluated the use of qSOFA in low and middle-income countries. In nine out of ten cohorts, the qSOFA score clearly identified infected patients at risk of death beyond those explained by baseline factors. 12 Staging of sepsis In the Sepsis-2 definition, sepsis complicated by organ dysfunction was termed severe sepsis, which could progress to septic shock, defined a s “sepsis-induced hypotension persisting despite adequate fluid resuscitation”. 5 In recognition that such a continuum model of sepsis was misleading, the Sepsis-3 task force eliminated the term ‘severe sepsis’. Under the Sepsis-3 definition, there are two diagnostic categories; sepsis and septic shock. 3 Septic shock is defined as “a subset of sepsis in which particularly profound circulatory, cellular and metabolic abnormalities are associated with a greater risk of mortality than with sepsis alone”. 3 Adult patients with septic shock can be identified using the clinical criteria of “hypotension requiring vasopressor therapy to maintain a mean arterial blood pressure of 65mmHg or greater and having a serum lactate level greater than 2mmol/l (>18mg/dl) after adequate fluid resuscitation”. 13 The combination of fluid-resistant hypotension requiring vasopressors and hyperlactataemia is 5 HHE 2018 | hospitalhealthcare.com