HHE Sponsored supplement: Sepsis | Page 24

biomarkers Biomarkers and diagnostic parameters Biomarkers can aid and shorten the clinical decision process in sepsis when the limitations of biomarkers are taken into account and procalcitonin monitoring has now been integrated into treatment algorithms Frank Bloos MD PhD Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Centre for Sepsis Control & Care, Jena University Hospital, Germany Sepsis is among the most common causes of death in hospitalised patients and hospital mortality ranges from 28.3% to 41.1%. Management guidelines recommend that antimicrobial therapy and surgical source control should be initiated as soon as possible to optimise outcomes. 1 However, sepsis often remains unrecognised. Current data demonstrate that initiation of adequate therapy is often delayed for hours. Results from culture-based pathogen detection methods are only available after a number of days and cannot help the clinician in first treatment decisions. Conventional diagnosis relies on clinically suspected infection and the new onset of organ dysfunction, but initial symptoms are often unspecific and are not recognised as a serious infection. In 2003, the PIRO (Predisposition – Infection – Response – Organ dysfunction) concept for improved characterisation and staging of patients with sepsis was developed. Although this concept did not find its way in clinical practice, the authors stated that new biomolecular methods and biomarkers should be future tools to aid the diagnosis of sepsis. In the last decade, many of these methods have been developed and are available for the clinician. 2 However, the availability of clinical studies regarding the impact of such techniques on the clinical course of the patient is limited. Biomarkers in the rapid diagnosis of sepsis Biomarkers used as diagnostic parameters in sepsis include C-reactive protein (CRP), procalcitonin (PCT), lactate and others. CRP CRP is an acute phase protein and is released from the liver four to six hours after stimulation (predominantly of IL-6) and levels peak around 36 hours. CRP has been shown to aid in the diagnosis of infections such as pneumonia, acute appendicitis or infectious complications after colorectal surgery. However, CRP demonstrates slow kinetics after onset of infection, and is also elevated in minor infections and many non- infectious causes of inflammation such as trauma, surgery or rheumatic disorders. Indeed, CRP was unable to predict infectious complications after gastro-oesophageal cancer surgery and pancreatic surgery. No prospective randomised studies of the impact of CRP-guided treatment algorithms on the clinical course of patients with severe sepsis or septic shock are available. Diagnostic accuracy in differentiating bacterial- from non-infectious causes of infection was only moderate (sensitivity 0.75; specificity 0.67). 3 Its performance in the differentiation of patients with sepsis from non-infectious causes of systemic inflammation is even lower. In general, diagnostic accuracy for sepsis is inferior to procalcitonin. These properties make CRP only of limited use for the application in emergency and critical care. CRP is a poor predictor of mortality in this patient population and therefore cannot identify populations at high risk. CRP levels decrease over the first 48 hours when successful antimicrobial therapy is initiated. 4 Thus, CRP might be a good marker to monitor success of antimicrobial therapy. PCT PCT is the pro-hormone of calcitonin, which is normally produced in the C-cells of the thyroid glands. Whereas all PCT is cleaved to calcitonin 24 HHE 2018 | hospitalhealthcare.com