HHE Sponsored supplement: Sepsis | Page 25

Interleukin-6 Interleukin (IL)-6 is directly induced by the primary cytokines of sepsis; tumour necrosis factor (TNF) and IL-1. IL-6 is the most rapid biomarker as it reaches peak levels within two hours after the infectious stimulus. Because this biomarker persists much longer in the bloodstream than TNF and IL-1, and it is closely linked to the systemic inflammatory response during sepsis, IL-6 seems to be predestined for the diagnosis of sepsis. Serum IL-6 levels are closely related to the severity and outcome of sepsis in patients and levels decrease in patients where the infection is controlled. However, large prospective studies to investigate the performance of this biomarker are missing. Available studies show conflicting results about the ability to accurately identify patients with sepsis. As true for other biomarkers of sepsis, major surgery and major trauma can induce the release of IL-6 without presence of infection. The role of IL-6 as sepsis in healthy humans, sepsis causes a massive release of PCT into the bloodstream within 4–12 hours of onset of infection. PCT levels are associated with outcome; patients with septic shock present the highest PCT serum concentrations (4–45ng/ml) while patients with uncomplicated lower respiratory tract infections have PCT levels between 0.1 and 0.5ng/ml. A meta-analysis including 3244 surgical and medical patients from 30 studies calculated a sensitivity of 0.77 and a specificity of 0.79 to discriminate sepsis from non-infectious causes of sepsis. 5 Thus, PCT is a very useful marker in the early diagnosis of sepsis. Because of its high sensitivity for most prevalent types of infections, PCT is widely acknowledged as a highly sensitive biomarker to aid in the diagnosis and ruling out of bacterial sepsis, with a high negative predictive value above 95%. 6 However, there are many relevant conditions where PCT can be elevated when infection is not present, such as cardiac arrest, trauma, severe surgery, and some autoimmune diseases. It is noteworthy that patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma present high PCT serum concentrations of ≥100ng/ml independent of aninfectious disease. PCT is currently the most investigated biomarker for early sepsis diagnosis and can aid the clinician well in this respect. PCT serum concentrations decrease with a half-life of about 24 hours when the infection is sufficiently treated. It has been shown that in contrast to constantly increased levels, adequately decreasing PCT levels are associated with an improved outcome. Several studies have therefore addressed the question whether PCT can be used to identify the appropriate time to finish antimicrobial therapy. Indeed, PCT-guided treatment algorithms resulted in a significant reduction in duration of antimicrobial therapy without harming the patients. 7 These studies were mainly performed in community acquired lower respiratory tract infections. Some smaller studies addressed this question in the critical care setting on patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. Although these studies delivered promising results it is currently unclear whether a PCT algorithm can be safely and efficiently applied in this patient population. Lactate Lactate levels in circulation can be used as a marker for systemic tissue hypoperfusion in patients with circulatory shock. Lactate is usually cleared by the liver and the kidneys, and the normal blood lactate concentration in unstressed patients is 1–1.5mmol/l. In patients suffering a shock or hypoperfusion, lactate levels are often > 2mmol/l, and levels >4mmol/l indicate the need for urgent admission to the ICU and resuscitation. Elevated lactate levels are associated with increased mortality in sepsis. Monitoring the patient’s lactate levels enables monitoring of disease progression and gives vital information on the severity of the disease and the treatment efficacy. Lactate levels should be measured within three hours of admission and repeated within six hours if elevated, as recommended by the Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines. 1 Lactate and PCT are complementary biomarkers for the detection of sepsis and septic shock. biomarker remains to be established. Recently, a study on a larger cohort of neonates and infants showed a good diagnostic accuracy for diagnosing sepsis in a paediatric population. 8 New biomolecular methods and biomarkers should be future tools to aid the prompt diagnosis of sepsis 25 HHE 2018 | hospitalhealthcare.com Other biomarkers The soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 (sTREM-1) is a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily, which is upregulated on phagocytes after exposure to bacteria and fungi and then released into body fluids. High sTREM-1 levels are associated with a poor outcome. Clinical data for this biomarker are still limited but available studies report a diagnostic accuracy for differentiating sepsis from non-infectious causes of inflammation which is similar to PCT (sensitivity 0.79, specificity 0.8). 9 However, other inflammatory diseases as well as pancreatitis without infection may affect sTREM-1-levels. Therefore, sTREM-1 seems to be an interesting biomarker for the diagnosis of sepsis but larger studies are warranted. Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) appears in the blood and other body fluid after it is cleaved from the membrane of immune cells. High suPAR levels of greater than 12ng/ml are associated with a poor outcome. However, current data do not support the application of suPAR as a biomarker for the diagnosis of sepsis as this protein