HHE Perspectives on Hospital and Industry Partnerships | Page 5

Executive summary ● ● Currently there are structures in place within hospitals which allow for hospital-wide strategies to be developed to improve outcomes within their budgets. However, there are many different types of structures which involve a wide variety of stakeholders. There is no ‘one size fits all’. ●  Many hospital stakeholders and healthcare system decision makers, although wary of public–private partnerships, believe that value-based offerings are a move in the right direction. They believe that the public sector must be prepared to engage with the private sector and embrace new forms of thinking, instead of a ‘we’ve always done it this way’ mentality. ● ● ● Hospitals understand that partnerships have to be ‘win- win’ so they need manufacturers to set out clearly what both sides will gain. In order for hospitals to co-create solutions with manufacturers, the manufacturers would also need to be able to both demonstrate and be involved in measuring their effects and outcomes.  Learnings from previous partnerships highlight that the tender service process needs to be carefully considered and discussed with potential suppliers to ensure that they can help achieve the desired outcomes. This process can take years.  Relationships between industry and hospital stakeholders appear to be accepted and encouraged to varying degrees in Europe. However, in Turkey, there is a deliberate effort to reduce these interactions. This was perceived to reduce the likelihood of the uptake of value-based offerings in Turkey. ● ● There is a growing acceptance that all the skills needed to develop outcome-based solutions are not necessarily ‘in-house’, and that they may need to be brought in via hospital-industry partnerships. The UK respondents cited the potential benefit of value-based hospital- industry partnerships as a way to address some of the current, severe shortages within the hospital sector. Where pathway change is needed, partnerships with industry could also potentially accelerate the process. In the UK, it was suggested that engagements at a Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) level with medical device companies could potentially accelerate processes where changes to pathways are needed.  Views varied on the specific areas with which hospitals need the most support in order to improve outcomes, increase patient satisfaction and reduce costs. These ranged from specific areas, such as oncology or theatre management, to technology for medication compliance. 3 HHE 2018 | hospitalhealthcare.com