HHE Perspectives on Hospital and Industry Partnerships | Page 10

Perspectives on hospital and industry partnerships: The aim of improving outcomes, increasing patient satisfaction and reducing costs Identifying the greatest need E The German Pharmacy Director believed the most help is needed in making products ready to administer, which saves time. From a UK perspective, the benefits to the stakeholders need to be balanced with significant cost savings. uropean Pharmacy Directors believed that their hospitals would prefer more support in achieving the aim of improving clinical outcomes, increasing patient satisfaction and reducing costs in specific areas such as oncology, theatre, general surgery, disease management, population health and the technology for medication compliance. There is also a case for those patients with long-term conditions with co-morbidities that affect their quality of life needing a holistic approach – this will improve patient experience and lead to better patient outcomes. In addition, respondents said that there was value in manufacturers offering technical solutions in medicine and patient management. In the UK, IT was flagged as an area where manufacturers could provide hospitals with external support, particularly in an acute setting. ‘There is a big issue with IT; there may be many different IT systems in an acute setting. Teams are unable to share patient information.’ Service Re-Design Manager, UK Conclusion T he research highlighted the fact that hospital stakeholders have seen a change in mindset and are starting to recognise the multiple benefits of working with industry to better help them achieve their objectives. The research indicated that value-based offerings are particularly beneficial in certain disease areas, such as oncology and diabetes. They can also be of benefit to hospitals in the areas of data exchange, co-ordinating IT systems in acute settings, and medicine and patient management. Manufacturers have certain skills which may not be commonly available within the hospital setting and these could be taken advantage of by hospital stakeholders and healthcare system decision makers. Challenges for hospital–industry partnerships include ensuring that they meet all compliance rules and that they avoid conflicts of interest. It is understood that there needs to be transparency within the business cases put forward and there is also recognition that the tender design, tender process and evaluation processes need to be robust and well thought-out. Earlier interaction and involvement from all stakeholders including industry, as well as considered measurement and evaluation parameters, will go a long way to helping make hospital–industry partnerships a success. Although they are not currently a first-choice solution, value-based hospital–industry partnerships are seen as a welcome addition to the range of hospital solutions currently available and will likely grow in popularity across Europe in the coming years. 8 HHE 2018 | hospitalhealthcare.com