HHE HOPE 2019 | Page 5

CHART 3 Comparison between the variation in the total current expenditure on health and out-of-pocket payments on health: Years 2006–2016 -15% Greece 160% United Kingdom 140% Latvia 120% The Netherlands Hungary Spain 60% Portugal 40% 20% 0 R 2 = 0.4622 France 80% -5% Lithuania Czech Republic 100% 15% Austria Finland Italy Slovenia Luxembourg 5% 25% 35% Switzerland Poland Estonia Sweden Ireland Germany Denmark Belgium 45% 55% Slovak Republic 65% 75% 85% 95% 105% 115% -20% -40% Total current expenditure on health, PPP$ per capita: Variation 2006 - 2016 lowest current health expenditure on health in PPP$ that year. Between 2006 and 2016, the household out-of-pocket payments in PPP$ per capita has increased in all the EU countries, except for Greece (–32%) and Luxembourg (–1%). The most relevant increases in EU15 were in the United Kingdom (+143%) and the Netherlands (+75%). In Switzerland, the indicator varied by +67% in the years taken into consideration. In EU13, according to available data, the abovementioned figure registered highest increases in Latvia (+121%), Czech Republic (117%) and Lithuania (+110%). The total household out-of-pocket payments in PPP$ per capita continued to increase, because the demand of healthcare services and, in turn, the total health expenditure did. Chart 3 illustrates the trend 2006–2016 of both the total current health expenditure per capita and the private households’ out-of-pocket payments on health. These values present a correlation (R² = 0.4622) showing that there is dependence between the two indicators. The chart highlights the fast growth of both expenses in the countries located in the upper right part of the graph corresponding to countries belonging to EU13. In those in the lowest-left section of the graph, the out-of-pocket payments grew more slowly compared with the total current health expenditure. In the majority of the EU member states, 30–40% of current health expenditure (excluding investments and capital outlays) finances hospital care. The funds allocated to providers of long- term care, ancillary services, ambulatory care, preventive care as well as to retailers and other providers of medical goods are excluded from this computation. In 2016, current hospital expenditure represented approximately 38% of total current health expenditure, ranging from 29% and 32% in Germany and Latvia, respectively, to 46% and 47% in Italy and Estonia (Chart 4). In all countries, even if part of the total health expenditure is always funded by private insurance and CHART 4 Current hospital expenditure as percentage of total current health expenditure, PPP$ per capita: Year 2016 Current hospital expenditure as % of total current health expenditure Total current health expenditure, PPP$ per capita Switzerland 35% Luxembourg 32% Germany 29% Sweden 39% Austria 38% Ireland 36% The Netherlands 35% Denmark 44% France 38% Belgium 34% United Kingdom 42% Finland 36% Italy 46% Spain 42% Portugal 42% Slovenia 42% Czech Republic 41% Greece 43% Slovak Republic 32% Lithuania 35% Estonia 47% Hungary 37% Poland 35% 32% Latvia 0 1,000 5 HHE 2019 | hospitalhealthcare.com 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000