HHE Emergency and critical care 2019 | Page 12

In a second possibility, the ventilator stops aerogating air when the patient’s muscles are still contracting, so expiratory fl ow is halted by the patient’s inspiratory activity extended after the opening of the expiratory valve, with a typical effect on expiratory peak fl ow, which appears cut, delayed or ‘doubled’ (Fig.5). Another possible consequence of early cycling to expiration is double triggering. Persistent patient activity after expiratory valve opening can again activate the trigger; thus the ventilator aerogates another breath immediately after the previous one, without a physiological exhalation in between. In a third case, the ventilator ends its support exactly when the patient’s muscles relax: in this case, inspiratory fl ow decay becomes faster and faster, directly switching into expiratory fl ow, with immediate peak and then slow exponential decay. 1 FIGURE 4 Examination of fl ow wave 1500 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 Examination of the fl ow wave can reveal the end of the patient’s inspiratory activity: (green arrow). The rest of the inspiratory phase is than passive, because the patient’s inspiratory muscles are already relaxed. The ventilator, however, continues to infl ate the lungs until the expiratory valve opens (red arrow). The dotted lines indicate the expiratory delay 1 FIGURE 5 Early cycling to expiration 700 500 300 100 -100 -300 -500 When the ventilator ends the inspiration before the patient (that is, the expiratory valve opens while the patient’s inspiratory muscles are still contracting), the fi rst eff ect on the fl ow shape is visible on the expiratory peak. It is not as deep as expected (red arrow) and it can appear doubled. The two dotted lines indicate the expiratory mismatch between the patient’s (1) and the ventilator’s (2) start of expiration, namely early cycling 1 Bedside optimisation Once the clinician has identifi ed the patient’s activity and asynchronies observing the ventilator waveforms, there are a few interventions that can effectively solve the issue. Firstly, any source of external disturbance has to be eliminated (circuit leaks, secretions, circuit occlusions, deconnections), because they can lead to changes in the waveforms and thereby lead to misinterpretation. Second, clinicians have to be aware of the effects of a ventilator’s settings on asynchrony development and act on them appropriately to promote synchronisation. 1 Inspiratory trigger The appropriateness of the inspiratory trigger facilitates the breath initiation and decreases the patient’s work of breathing. Flow trigger is considered better than pressure trigger because it is more sensitive to a patient’s effort and does not require a negative pressure to be produced in the circuit to trigger the ventilator; a little fl ow entering the inspiratory valve is enough. This leads to more comfortable triggering; however, pressure triggers on modern ventilators have been improved, and the difference between fl ow and pressure triggers is often very fi ne. 1 As a general rule, trigger sensitivity should be set at the highest value (lowest fl ow threshold) able to avoid autotriggers, in order to optimise the comfort of the patient. Pressure support level Overassistance facilitates asynchronies as well as muscle atrophy very high pressure support levels must be avoided. An excessive pressure support can worsen hyperinfl ation, leading to diffi cult triggering (trigger delay and ineffective efforts) and late cycling to expiration. 21 When such asynchronies are detected on ventilator waveforms, physicians should consider a decrease of pressure support level. There are three possible cases 1 : late cycling, early cycling and optimal cycling. In the fi rst, the machine aerogates air for longer than required; in this case, the patient’s inspiratory muscles will relax during the ventilator’s inspiratory phase, causing a sudden change from fast to slow decrease of inspiratory fl ow as shown in Fig.4. This often leads to hyperinfl ation, causing other asynchronies such as ineffective efforts and delayed triggering in the following breaths. 20 This phenomenon (called late cycling) is typical of COPD patients and is promoted by a high level of pressure support. Sometimes, patients react to late cycling with active exhalation attemps while the ventilator’s infl ation still ongoing, causing a positive defl ection on the pressure wave. Ramp The ramp represents the fl ow speed to reach the inspiratory peak. As a general rule, for the same sensitivity of the expiratory trigger, a faster ramp makes cycling earlier, whereas a slower ramp makes cycling later. Therefore, a fast ramp can facilitate expiratory synchronisation, especially in 12 HHE 2019 | hospitalhealthcare.com