ZOLL RescueNet CodeNet
for data insights to
improve patient care
ZOLL Medical
Delivery of high-quality CPR is the cornerstone
of all efforts to improve outcomes from sudden
cardiac arrest. Debriefing is considered to be
an essential component of every cardiac arrest
resuscitation effort. Performing quantitative,
focused debriefings that look at aspects such as
chest compression rate and depth during CPR are
critical – studies have shown that high-quality
CPR is linked to survival to discharge.
At ZOLL ® Medical Corporation, our RescueNet ®
CodeNet system allows for easy, secure debriefing
of resuscitation events. RescueNet CodeNet
combines two essential tools for event debriefing
and code data documentation – RescueNet
CaseReview and RescueNet CodeWriter.
Simplified data collection
RescueNet CaseReview collects, analyses, and
manages code data to improve accuracy and
simplify debriefing. With the push of a button,
files from ZOLL’s R Series ® , X Series ® , and ZOLL
AED 3 ® BLS defibrillators can be sent to secure
servers using the hospital’s WiFi network.
HHE 2019 | hospitalhealthcare.com
Accurate robust data that’s needed to complete
the performance-focused, data-driven debriefing
after every adult and paediatric cardiac arrest can
be immediately accessed from any device in
ZOLL’s browser-based CaseReview software.
The CPR Summary Report, included in
CaseReview, provides at-a-glance CPR quality
for individual codes. It can be accessed, saved,
emailed, and printed in minutes. It can also be
used with code teams immediately after a code
to help facilitate data-driven hot debriefs of the
resuscitation event.
CaseReview can also provide trend reports on
resuscitation events. These reports can be created
through customised tags to review trends by
patient type (that is, paediatric versus adult),
co-morbidity, department where the code
occurred, or even by the time of day or week that
the code occurred. A detailed file can be exported
into Microsoft ® Excel for a deeper dive into data