HHE Cardiovascular 2019 | Seite 4

atherothrombosis, coronary artery disease per se without plaque disruption does not exclude type 2 MI. 1 Indeed, the mismatch between oxygen supply and demand that defines type 2 MI often occurs on the basis of underlying coronary artery disease. 1 Potential causes of MI type 2 are acute stressors including severe arrhythmias, severe anaemia, severe hypertension or hypotension, and respiratory failure. 1 Such stressors might induce myocardial ischaemia in patients with and without coronary artery disease, whereas individual ischaemic thresholds differ depending on the presence and severity of the underlying coronary artery disease. 1 Besides the described mechanistic stressors causing oxygen supply and demand mismatch, coronary pathologies beyond atherothrombosis, such as coronary artery dissection, coronary spasm or coronary embolism, might result in type 2 MI. 1 Type 3 MI MI type 3 denotes the clinical scenario of cardiac death with symptoms suggestive of myocardial ischaemia and concomitant presumed new ischaemic ECG changes or ventricular fibrillation, but occurrence of death before blood samples for cardiac biomarkers can be obtained. 1 Cardiac death with proven MI by autopsy is also referred to as type 3 MI. 1 Type 4 and 5 MI Infarctions in the context of coronary procedures, either percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) 4 HHE 2019 | hospitalhealthcare.com or coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), are defined as type 4 or type 5 MI, respectively. 1 Type 4 MI refers to PCI-related infarcts, whereas three subtypes (4a, 4b and 4c) have been suggested in the Fourth Universal Definition of MI. 1 Type 4a MI is defined as peri-procedural MI directly related to the index PCI (≤48h after the procedure). 1 The criteria of PCI-related MI are arbitrarily defined as elevation of cTn values >5-times the 99th percentile URL in cases of normal baseline values, or increase of >20% in cases of chronically elevated pre-procedural cTn concentrations. 1 To allow for definite diagnosis of 4a MI, objective parameters of myocardial ischaemia are required in addition to cTn dynamics. 1 Such clinical criteria of myocardial ischaemia are new ischaemic ECG changes and pathological Q waves, imaging evidence of new loss of viable myocardium or new regional wall motion abnormality as well as angiographic findings of procedural flow-limiting complications including coronary dissection, occlusion of an epicardial artery, disruption of collateral flow and distal embolisation. 1 Other subtypes of MI associated with PCI are stent or scaffold thrombosis (type 4b MI) and restenosis following PCI (type 4c MI). 1 MI type 4b is defined as stent/ scaffold thrombosis as detected by angiography or autopsy applying the same formal criteria as used for MI type 1. 1 According to the timing of thrombosis occurrence after the index PCI, it should be distinguished between acute (0 to 24 h), subacute (>24 h to 30 days), late (>30 days to 1