HHC Centre Homeopathy for Children: What Parents Need to Know | Page 17
Choosing homeopathic medications for children
The choice to embrace homeopathy never comes easy for most parents. Many often toy with
the idea for ages until they just have to make the decision. If you fit the description, there are a
few things you have to keep in mind while choosing homeopathy for your baby. Here are some
of the important ones.
For first-aid and acute diseases such as bee stings, teething, diarrhea, and sore throats
utilize homeopathic remedies such as Belladonna, Aconite, Chamomilla, Arnica, Pulsatilla,
Mercurius, Arsenicum album, and Arnica.
If your baby has a chronic illness, you might want to consider constitutional homeopathy
aimed at addressing underlying causes of the illness and looks for the best course of
homeopathic treatment. With this strategy, you will give your child a wholesome solution
for their mental, physical and emotional state.
Remember the ABC rule: when the symptoms are sudden (think of a symptom that comes
shortly after exposure to wind or cold), take aconite; if they are violent and speedy (think of
a hot and feverish child), take Belladonna; else, give your baby Chamomilla if they are
irritable, cross and can’t be soothed. Along with the ABCs, have Pulsatilla nearby for when
your child appears sensitive, weepy and desires extra attention and sympathy.