HHC Centre EMDR Therapy Agoraphobia Digestive Disorders | Page 11
• Celiac Disorder
Digestive disorders that affect the small intestine are identified as celiac. This type of
disorder interferes with the normal way through which the nutrients are absorbed
from the meal. Those patients affected by the celiac disorder are said to be gluten
sensitive whereby gluten is one form of protein that is mainly found in the foods like
wheat and others. The commonly observed symptoms by the people affected by the
celiac disorder are fatigue, loss of weight, diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, bloating in
the abdomen, anxiety, seizures, and many more.
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Digestive disorders that arise as a result of the changes that affect the normal working
of GI tract are identified as irritable bowel syndrome. This kind of disorder is currently
affecting approximately 17 % of the adult in the whole world whereby twice a number
of women as compared to men are affected by this same disorder. The commonly
observed symptoms by the people affected by this kind of disorder are the pain in the
abdomen, bowel habits start to change and also cramping signs are observed.