HHC Centre A Quick Guide to Back, Neck & Knee Pain Management | Page 25

HOW ARE THE BACK, NECK, AND KNEE PAIN CONNECTED? The nerves that operate the knee muscles are located on the 2 nd , 3 rd , and 4 th lumbar vertebral levels on your lower back area. Therefore, when there is an issue with the nerves such as a disc or arthritic joint compressing the nerves, the symptoms will most likely be on the knee region. The lower extremities’ nerves branch off from the lower spine hence a pinched nerve in the lower back will direct that pain down the branch into the knee. You may not notice low-level nerve irritations as back pain because these just cause the muscles to misfire a little. The serious nerve issues, however, may present themselves as acute knee pain, sometimes accompanied by back pain. If the specific nerve that travels to your knee or thigh is pinched, you may feel such symptoms including knee pain, front thigh pain, tingling/numbness in your thigh and weakness in your hip.