HeyU Issue 37 - 16 September 2015 | Page 12

music Midnight Briefcase If you enjoy something a little heavier, why not tune in to Midnight Briefcase, a studentrun show on Phoenix Radio that focuses on the local and Australian metal scene. I spoke to Julia Juricic, who hosts the show with Nathan O’Brien. As you’ve probably guessed, the show is targeted towards ‘metal-heads’ , but Julia believes that metal can be enjoyed by anyone who loves music. What do you love about this type of music? Which bands do you enjoy listening to the most? I like that it’s different and dynamic in the sense that there’s so many different styles and genres. ‘Metal’ is very broad, so there’s something for everyone. The metal community prides themselves on anything that’s good, anything that they put their soul in to. When you develop a following of metal lovers, they are all really dedicated. There’s a mixture of local and international bands I enjoy listening to. My top three local favourites would be Weightless in Orbit, Ages of Earth and Profits of Law. I’m also a huge fan of Periphery, Radio Head and Tool. What do you love about being on air? It’s great to have a voice that’s heard and recognised. We love meeting and talking to like-minded people about something we are mutually passionate about. By having this show we are expanding our knowledge, band list and fan base. We have bands come in to the studio for interviews and also to perform live, which is always an exciting experience. Do you have any tips for anyone just starting out in radio? My top tips would be: • Organise your shows in advance and know what you are going to talk about before you get to the show. • If you have lots to talk about with your co-hosts, try not to talk about it too much beforehand so it comes across as natural when you go to air. Don’t be afraid to go indepth; that’s where the great ideas come from! • Standing up and talking with your hands creates more energy. Even though your audience can’t see you doing this, they can tell the difference just by listening. • Get feedback from listeners and listen back to your own shows to see where you could improve, or what is working really well. I come from a ‘Proggy perspective’ (progressive metal) whereas my co-host Nathan is more into Metalcore and Hardcore. Some of his favourite bands are The Amity Affliction, Parkway Drive and Gaslight Anthem. Metal is much broader than these two genres, but these are the styles we personally enjoy, which can lead into some interesting debates on the show! When can we listen in to the show? You can catch our show weekly from 8pm–10pm on Tuesday nights. Hope to have you listen in! You can keep up to date with Phoenix Radio, and listen live by visiting www.phoenixradio.com.au WORDS: RACHEL TAPSCOTT – USQ Student IMAGES: USQ ONLINE MARKETING