HeyU Issue 34 - 5 August 2015 | Page 6

A year of feature simply being… Ally, who has been volunteering since she was very young describes the experience as; eye-opening, challenging and life-giving to self. On her recent trip overseas she arrived in Nepal only a few days before the largest earthquake in over 70 years hit the country. This is her story… I sat down mid-last year and mindmapped my life’s current trajectory. At the end of this process, I wasn’t so sure that I was where I wanted to be… I made the decision (courageous, and slightly crazy) to pack up everything and change the direction I was heading, to one that resonated more with my spirit. I wanted to learn less of how to dodo-do, which is embedded so deeply into the Australian way of life. I’m in my 3rd month of an 18 month adventure, having just left Nepal, for India to live and work in the slums of Kolkata for 6 months. I’m then heading to Israel for a mini-pilgrimage, and ending my adventure back in Nepal.