As you were growing up Katie did you have any
particular heroes in comedy?
Some descriptions of your show and yourself
as a performer detail that you dislike such
things as being verbally repressed. Are there
any particular issues or anything you have
personally experienced that you feel most
strongly about?
Katie: Yes! I loved Mike Myers and Dana Carvey in Wayne’s World. Jim
Carrey was another big one, I loved movies like Dumb & Dumber and
Liar Liar. As for female influences… I loved Goldie Hawn. Stand-up wise
I didn’t really have any because I wanted to be an actor.
Yeah, I feel most about equality and feminism. Those are the big ones.
Breaking down images and expectations of people as well. I really care
about honestly and I strive to do that as much as possible. What you
hate in others is what you hate the most about yourself but with standup I can mirror the things they dislike but I can say it’s okay, whatever is
in me, is in you and we can embrace that.
After doing stand-up for some time now is acting
still something you would like to continue?
Yeah, I still do. That’s why I did stand-up, it sort of goes hand in
hand to get me noticed for roles but once I started stand- \H