after a sleepless night, I was completely
delirious. The captain of the UQ
Gatton Fillies women’s volleyball team
approached me and asked me if I would
put on their rubber horse head and let
one of their rookies sit on my back for
a picture. Of course, I obliged with the
response ‘Absolutely… I’ll give her more
than a picture.’ Incognito as a horse,
a mate put the straw from his drinkcontainer guitar aka Feel good Phil up
the nose of the horse head, and gave
me a quick drink of water before the
main event. On the video I look like an
intubated horse! So she climbs onto
my back and immediately I react like a
confused animal, looking up and around,
trying to figure out what’s going on!
Then the ride began. I galloped onto the
court, nuzzled a ball and tried to chase
it. Charged down a Bond player – who
then patted me. I kicked and bucked,
but she held on. Finally, out of breathe,
I stood up and carried her back to the
sideline, gave her a hug and sent her on
her way. Video evidence is on Facebook,
and it is glorious.
is optimal. Without this effort, I’d be
wasting my time and money, and risk not
getting a job due to being outcompeted
by more capable professionals.
What are your tips for motivating
the USQ team this year?
Uni Games is what you make it – you only
get out what you put it. Put in 110% on
the court, get dressed up and look silly for
social events, make friends and enjoy their
company, and Uni Games will be the best
experience you will have at university.
Are there any war cries or chants
that supporters should be learning
before July?
Our basketball girls came up with some
great chants in 2013 – ‘You what!?
USQ-HUH!’ was one of the best. ‘USQ’
has also been run together to sound like
‘Ooska!’, and has become synonymous
with USQ.
Do these tips translate into your
study life?
Absolutely. Education is a two-way street,
and the old saying ‘You can lead a horse
to water, but you can’t make it drink’
applies directly. USQ does a great job at
providing an education. As a student, it
is my responsibility to put in the effort
to ensure my uptake of that material
Finally, what is your message to the
USQ team?
Make the most of the Games. Live in
the moment, enjoy yourself and make
memories that will last a lifetime.