USQ achievements
Join with us and celebrate some of the incredible achievements of our USQ
alumni and current students in their professional careers! Share your own
on USQ social media and we may feature you in the next issue of HeyU!
Congratulations to Geoffrey Davies, USQ Springfield
Valedictorian at this year’s Fraser Coast Graduation
Ceremony. We look forward to seeing where your
studies take you.
Three teams of high school students were awarded
more than $11,000 last week after pitching their
community projects to USQ as part of USQ Change
Makers Pitchfest. We can’t wait to see these
projects up and running!
Phyllida Hayes received the Vice-Chancellor’s
Scholarship this year and has recently featured in
the Toowoomba Chronicle for her strong career
drive and aspiration.
Our alumni are always achieving amazing goals
all over the world. As another group of students
graduate, keep track of their amazing journeys and