HEVAC&R Directory 2023 | Page 5



At this time of the year , you may again be looking ahead for clues as to what is next ?

After another period of steep learning curves , experiencing climate change firsthand , an unpredictable world-economy , devastating supply chain disruptions , global food threats and all of the local challenges we have essentially “ just learnt to live with ” – aka corruption , poor service delivery , failing infrastructure and the destructive load shedding – you may be wondering if there is any silver lining left …!
Well , when looking at global trends , that we ( as South Africa ) have to adapt to either way in remaining competitive in the international market , there is still certainly an exciting journey ahead for the HVAC & R sectors that will play a major role in all future developments . As the global population expands , urbanisation peaks , and provision for more goods and services arises – many of these aspects require the inclusion of conditioning in heating and / or cooling forms .
Technology will no doubt be a key contributor moving forward too as everything around us becomes more connected in preparation for the height of the fourth industrial revolution that some suggest will be “ an admiration to be a part of ”. This of course linked to automation , artificial intelligence and machine learning that will shape better , faster
and more efficient ways to get things done . We are also sure to see substantial growth in 3D printing capability and impact – all in the search for continual improvement on all fronts .
That said , the quest for green solutions will likely intensify as other regions of the globe start to face greater energy generation shortfalls owing primarily to climate change – that itself will continue to get a priority seat in the world ’ s pursuit to “ clean things up ”.
I am reminded of an interesting headline that read , “ capitalism needs to be re-invented , with the inclusion of environmental protection ”. This is an apt statement when one considers that when there is nothing left – no amount of money in the world can remedy that !
Efficiency is another aspect that will continue to receive a lot of attention as awareness around carbon footprints / emissions grows and with that the impact that HVAC & R systems ultimately have on the environment from an energy and refrigerant perspective . As we have seen this year , urgent action has been the order of the day to the point where deadlines are moving up for things such as refrigerant phaseout and compliance to energy efficiency standards - and on the local front we need to prepare for the roll on effect of what is being seen in leading economies that we take our cues from . Here the deployment of natural refrigerants will undergo strong support as well as the associated training to bring technicians up to date . Other elements are already scheduled for fast-tracking in Europe and the US .
The changes in these type of regulations and also the trade agreements between South Africa and other countries will further play an important part . Everyone by now would be aware of the crippling impact of the real consequences when other countries change requirements of imported fresh produce in a legitimate or politically motivated approach – this could knock off billions of rands worth of revenue from our balance sheet and this of course could mean job losses , more businesses closing , and critically farmers that stop producing when a win-win resolution is not found .
The preservation of foodstuff , particularly the handling and management of perishables ( that still see huge percentages of losses ),
will also be subject to continual scrutiny from world bodies where the cold chain , and its correct application , will see this underperformance of humanity be brought closer to an acceptable level of control .
There are many aspects to consider , once again , as 2023 is an open door for opportunity -which leads me to the quote I have chosen for this issue closing off on 2022 . I can even refer further to several statements made by other world leaders and minds that are strongly urging a change that cannot wait – but when you think about this quote – that is no doubt more than 75 years old – when you realise that we already know what to do , and for so long , without action – you cannot be surprised by the current environment in which we are living .
“ The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking . It cannot be changed without changing our thinking .” - Albert Einstein
I wish you all the very best of this coming year and trust that the participation of the local HVAC & R industry is meaningful and produces positive outcomes in every line . Let ’ s all take action for a better future .
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