In 1907, Scott Paper introduced the Sani-Towels paper towel, the first paper towels. They were invented for use in Philadelphia classrooms to help prevent the spread of the common cold from child to child.
Around 1500 B.C. something like hair gel is first mentioned in the Bible. The Israelites knew that mixing ashes and oil produced a kind of hair gel.
Tupperware was invented by Earl Silas Tupper, a New Hampshire tree surgeon and plastics innovator, who began experimenting with polyethylene. He patented the Tupper seal in 1947.
Samuel Colt invented the first practical revolver. He was issued a U.S. patent in 1836 for the Colt firearm, which was equipped with a revolving cylinder containing five or six bullets.
The earliest washing machine the scrub board, was invented in 1797 by an unknown inventor.
The fax was invented in 1842 by the Scottish inventor Alexander Bain, who received a patent for the "automatic electrochemical recording telegraph" in 1843.
In 1887, a German physicist named Heinrich Hertz began experimenting with radio waves in his laboratory in Germany. He found that radio waves could be transmitted through different materials and some materials reflected the radio waves. His experiments were the foundation for the development of radio communication and RADAR.
Potato chips were invented by Native American George Crum in 1853.
On December 6th, 1877, Thomas Edison made the first recording of a human voice, saying "Mary had a little lamb". It was on the first tinfoil cylinder phonograph. The word "Hello" may have been recorded in July on an early paper model derived from his 1876 telegraph repeater, but the proof has not survived.
George Anderson of Memphis, Tennessee patented the typewriter ribbon on September 14, 1886.
The bikini was invented in 1946 by two Frenchmen, Jacques Heim and Louis Reard. The bikini was named after the Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands, the site of atomic bomb testing.
The most wide use of tin is in the tin can. In 1810, a Frenchman called Nicholas Appert won a prize from Napoleon Bonaparte for finding a way of preserving food for his troops when they went to war. But, the first patent for making a tin can was given to a British inventor, Peter Durand, in 1810 (Brit Pat 3372).
Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806-59), an English civil engineer, designed the Great Western, the first transatlantic steamship in 1838.
No one exactly knows who invented ice cream. There is a rumor that King Charles I of England had a chef create a "creme ice," which was served only for the king until his beheading in 1649.
Chester Carlson patented xerography on November 22, 1940. The Xerox company bought Carlson's technology.
The inventor of the Phillips head screw was Henry Phillips, a businessman from Portland, Oregon.
A method to adjust the angle of the slats (venetian blinds) resulted in U.S. patent (#2,223), which was awarded to inventor John Hampson of New Orleans in 1841.
In 1886, Josephine Cochrane proclaimed "If nobody else is going to invent a dishwashing machine, I'll do it myself." Yes, she did invent the first dishwasher.
Would you believe that Thomas Jefferson, third President of the United States, invented the swivel chair?
Rene Hyacinth Laennec invented the stethoscope in 1781 as a medical instrument to better listen to heartbeats etc.
The revolving door was invented by Theophilus von Kannel in 1888.
The first stapler was patented on September 30, 1841 by inventor Samuel Slocum.
George Stephen invented the original Weber Kettle Grill in 1951.
Johan Vaaler invented the paperclip in 1899, but American Cornelius Brosnan received the first patent for a Konaclip in 1900.
Air brakes and railroad sleeping cars are both important inventions in railroad history. George Westinghouse invented air brakes in 1868, and George Pullman introduced the first sleeping car in 1857.
The first camera was the Camera Obscura - Latin for "dark room" - was a dark box or room with a hole in one end. If the hole was small enough, an inverted image would be seen on the opposite wall. No one is sure who invented it.
American inventor King Camp Gillette invented the modern T-shaped razor with disposable blades in 1901.
On January 29, 1886, Karl Benz received the first patent for a crude gas-fueled car.
The baby carriage was invented in 1733 by English architect William Kent for the 3rd Duke of Devonshire's children.
The teabag was first used by New York tea wholesaler Thomas Sullivan, who silk-wrapped samples of tea to customers in 1908.