Global Warming
Global warming is one of the many important things going on Earth. Many places in earth such as Antarctica, which is almost completely ice, yet now its melting. The animals there will die because there land is melting before their feet.
Global warming is caused by the carbon dioxide; organisms, wild fires and the burning of fossil fuel release into the atmosphere, and carbon . It is also caused by Earth moving closer to the sun. This could affect the biosphere greatly. In cold regions, like the polar ice caps it is melting. The sea levels are rising enough to flood some low-lying coastal areas. Storms and other weather disturbances are becoming more frequent and severe. Organisms with specific needs of heat and moisture can die out. The dying out of many species could lead to extinction.
Scientists are very concerned because if this continues, many different species in the world can become endangered or extinct. As well as the oceans rising and the weather becoming more severe than it is now can wipe out the human population. If the conditions on Earth become any worse it could lead to a mass extinction of various species.
Global warming is nothing to joke around about. The constant heating of the earth with fires and the burning of fossil fuels, can lead the Earth to it's doom. The organisms living in it such as humans, plants and other organisms can die out and cause a mass extinction to organisms that cannot adapt to be heat. However, some may be able to thrive from this. Such as organisms who have adapted to extreme temperature, like organisms in volanoes. Global warming is something that is still ongoing and will continue for a long time.
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