Heroes: Big and Small 1 | Page 11

Changed for the


The world is better now. I do

n’t have to suffer anymore. I finally

have a job. I can finally lead a normal


I go down the street. The stares

that plagued my life for so long are

now gone. As I make my way down

the street, people are considerate.

They understand me. They treat me

as an equal.

I think about my family. They

don’t have to suffer anymore either.

They don’t have to deal with being

treated badly either.

I am different than you. But is

anyone ever the same? Being

different isn’t bad. Children growing up are learning that. I may not look, talk, or walk the same you do but I am your equal. Everyone is equal and everyone is treated as one.

I am no longer pitied. I am now loved and accepted by everyone. It’s how the world should be and that’s how it is.

Now, people who don’t know me make an effort to understand my differences. They don’t judge me and assume my differences. They ask about them. They aren’t uncomfortable when coming up to talk to me.

People are so much more understanding. They learn what I’m going through. They learn how I feel when they do certain things like avoid me or park in the handicap parking spot. People have stopped making assumptions about me and my life. They have learned to talk to me, a person, not me, a disabled person. They want to hear about me, what I like to do, my personality, my interests, not my story, when I became disabled, why it happened, how it happened.

I’m no longer defined by my disability. I am defined by me. I’m not just another

disabled person.

All buildings now are designed for disabled accessibility. It used to be hard for me to navigate some buildings. They weren’t built to accommodate everyone. Now, every single building is made for everyone to be able to use it with ease.

I smile much more now. I’m not worried about being judged anymore and even better, I don’t judge myself anymore.

I used to be so wrapped up in what other people said about me that I had started to believe in them myself. I used to think I was useless and I didn’t matter because that was the only message I ever used to hear.

Now, I know that I am not useless and I do matter. This is the message I hear everyday. This is the song that I live by. I can do anything I set my mind to. I am wonderful, kind, and hardworking.

This is also the song other people like me live by every day. As a community, we have really risen up and started valuing everyone regardless of their status.

Now, I leave a normal life. No one judges me or discriminates against me.

It is the most perfect world I can think of. Don’t get me wrong, there are still problems that need to be fixed. But I feel like I can take on them all because of the new confidence that this new world has given me. The world and I have definitely changed for the better.