Heritage is the full range of our inherited tradi- The sheer amount of heritage in Delhi makes
tions, monuments, objects, and culture. Most im- for an overwhelming experience for the traveler.
portant, it is the range of contemporary activities,
meanings, and behaviors that we draw from them. The National Capital is a combination of 7 dif-
ferent cities (Siri, Tughlaqabad, Jahanpanah,
India is the seat of one of the oldest civilizations Shahjahanabad, Shergarh, Firozabad, Mehrauli)
in the world. Ironically, we have grown indiffer- and dotted with numerous amazingly constructed
ent towards our rich history and cultural legacy. historical monuments. These ancient structures
According to a recent report, the Archaeological display the perfect blend of arts and history.
Survey of India (ASI), responsible for the care of
India’s ancient relics and monuments, admits that The city contains a multitude of important his-
35% of the ancient relics and monuments in its toric structures, including the World Heritage
supervision have disappeared due to negligence. sites of Qutub Minar, Humayun’s Tomb, and the
Red Fort. Other significant monuments, such
Talking of heritage cities, however, one couldn’t as the Old Fort and Jama Masjid, are on popu-
help but wonder why Delhi has not been of- lar tourist circuits, and yet many equally sig-
ficially recognised as one. With 174 national nificant sites are tucked into the sprawling
monuments, including three UNESCO-listed heri- city, lying outside of most visitors’ itineraries.
tage sites and more than 1,000 culturally im-
portant places, the national capital is one of Some monuments are ignored by most tourists and
the oldest continuously inhabited cities in India. residents, and equally neglected by the Government.
In any other country, these would hold pride of place
Delhi or Dilli proudly known as the city of cities has and people would go out of their way to make sure
a rich history to tell. Being one of the oldest dwell- that whatever remains are preserved for posterity.
ing place in this world, Delhi was earlier known as
Indraprastha as per the epic Mahabharata. This Those monuments are located in different places
metropolis was ruled by various powerful kingdoms infact some of them are near to your home only,
and mighty emperors who gave birth to so many but still you are unaware of them. All these mon-
magnificent forts, tombs and heritage structures in uments also have a rich history behind them.
Delhi thus making it a popular historical city of India.