Heritage High School Spring Newsletter 2018 Term 4
ECO Heritage
The School ECO team of staff and
student volunteers has already met and
started work on the project to gain
recognition for Heritage as an EcoSchool. Various sub-committees have
been set up to focus on different
aspects and already our students have
come up with some really exciting and
innovative ideas. One group is staring
work on a presentation to promote the
project throughout the school - this will
be given in Assemblies after Easter;
another is organising competitions to
design a name, logo and mission
statement for the group and a third is
conducting an environmental audit of
the school site with Mrs Lindley.
Term 4
Thank you for voting
We would like to introduce and welcome
the newest member of the ECO Team,
Mr Peter Dolby. He said,
Laura Jacques
“I have recently been appointed to the Governing Body at Heritage High School as a parent governor and I have been
asked to undertake the role of Eco Governor due to the nature of my own business which is involved in energy
consumption. I am enthusiastic about helping the school achieve its Eco School Status and I hope that I can bring fresh
ideas to the committee as well as helping to develop those ideas already put forward. I am looking forward to meeting all
of the students involved at the next Eco Meeting.
We still need parent/carer volunteers to join the planning group. The School Business Manager, Mrs Lindley is leading the
project. Any parents/carers who are interested in joining the Eco Team are asked to contact her via the school reception on
01246 810259 or by sending an email to: info@heritage.derbyshire.sch.uk
As usual our award-winning catering
team put on a special spread for our
students to celebrate Valentine‟s Day.
The day - described as a topsy-turvy
day saw lunch items served at brunch
with perennial favourites such as fish
and chips, sausage and chips,
chocolate fudge cake with pink
custard, heart shaped cookies
and love-heart buns, in addition
to the normal menu items.
On Thursday 20th March all of the students who ran for
election for the Derbyshire Youth Council went to Matlock to
find out who had been voted as the representative for
Heritage High School. The students who ran for election
were: Lyndon Nicholls from Year 7, Dellan Oke from Year 8,
Matthew Adams from Year 10 and me. My name is Laura
Jacques and I am in Year 11.
In the lead up to the Big Vote we all had to create and present an election campaign. This
included making posters and leaflets to advertise our policies. We had to create a manifesto
and say what we would do to improve the local area for young people. My manifesto
focused on the stereotypical perception of young people and lack of activities in the local
area. My main objective was to represent young people in a positive light.
This is the second time I have run for election in the Big Vote. As I had experienced it before
I ran a session with the other candidates to give them tips on how to run a successful
campaign and how to conquer nerves when speaking in public. Although we were up
against each other in the election there was always a friendly atmosphere in the group. We
all supported each other and would have been happy for any of the group to have been
elected. We had to prepare a speech about our manifesto that was recorded and broadcast
around the school on Election Day. The ballot was secret so we had no idea who would win
until the announcement at Matlock
I was extremely shocked and happy when I was announced as the Heritage representative
for the Derbyshire Youth Council. Fifty students were elected on the day, representing young people from
across Derbyshire. All of the representatives who were voted in this year will be part of the Derbyshire Youth
Council for two years. We had a group
photograph of us all together and an official
head shot of each of us was also taken. We
also received a certificate, tee-shirt and a
name plaque
I am looking forward to the first meeting on
the 5th of April and I know that I will enjoy
being part of the Derbyshire Youth Council. I
have some experience of attending and
chairing official council meetings as I am also
a member of the Bolsover Youth Council. I
want to help make our area a better place for
young people and help to improve the image
of young people in our area by promoting the
positive things we already do and getting
young people engaged in positive activities in
the future. I also want to help to extend the
range of activities and facilities that are
available for young people out of school time.
Boughton Lane, Clowne, Chesterfield, S43 4QG
Tel: 01246 810259
Fax: 01246 811227
email: info@heritage.derbyshire.sch.uk
web: www.heritage.derbyshire.sch.uk
I would like to thank Tony Patterson and Mrs
Dench for all of their support. Without their
help I could not have run a successful
campaign and become part of the Derbyshire
Youth Council.