Heritage Guide Heritage Guide Leaflet 3rd A4 v3 FINAL | Page 2

Estate The main natural feature is a wooded valley running south-east from Keele Hall to Springpool Wood (next to the M6). Heritage Trails Enjoy the rich heritage of the Keele Estate and learn about the extraordinary legacy of the people who lived, worked and studied here. Extend the Central Campus Trail or start the Estate Trail following the Woodland Walks way-markers below Keele Hall to the left, via the White Well [12]. Trails are marked red (1km, accessible), blue (1.5km, wet, muddy) and orange (4-6km, rough terrain, stile). Extend these following the route shown with a dotted line if you wish. Landscape designer William Emes, once head gardener at Kedleston Hall, re-modelled the park in 1768-70, modifying existing ponds and planting trees to conceal working farms. The Lakes Lake 1 is home to Canada Geese, Mallard, Moorhen and more. The small stone island, known as the Otter Stone, is a glacial erratic boulder left as the ice retreated. At the bottom of Keele Hall lawn [E1], look across Lake 1 to see the footings of the late Victorian boathouse [11]. Follow the lakeside down to Lake 2. Look across the agricultural land to the right; at the far boundary there is rising ground known as ‘Beech Clump’ created from spoil from the lake works to enhance the view. Boulders for garden rockeries also came from here. You might catch sight of the terrapins that have made their home in the lake: liberated pets! Red walk Take the path along Lake 1 below Keele Hall, with the lake on your left. The Walks There are three circular walks indicated by coloured waymarking posts: An all weather trail suitable for wheelchair users (1km) The southern arm of the walk is unsuitable for wheelchairs and can be muddy (1½ km) Rough terrain and can be muddy in wet weather. Some climbing. (1¾ km extension to blue trail). You can leave the track and return along Lymes Road and Clock House Drive (marked: • • • • • • ) Alternative tracks. The sequence of lakes, planting and views followed fashion in garden design of the 18th and 19th centuries. The Sneyds employed well-known designers: William Emes, WS Gilpin, WA Nesfield and others. Pass the memorial bench in the shape of a boat by Lake 2 and continue to Lake 3 with its lily pads and surrounded by impressive Rhododendrons, plants beloved by gardeners of the 19th century. For the accessible route turn left across the dam between Lakes 3 and 4 and follow the red Woodland Walk back to the car park below Keele Hall. Blue walk For a longer route, follow the blue Woodland Walk trail: Don’t cross the dam; take the path to the right alongside a babbling water channel. Pass the impressive range of trees at Barnes Dell on the left and at Lake 4, listen to and enjoy the waterfall [E2] before continuing to Lake 5, a fishing lake, on the left. You may be lucky and see a Kingfisher here. On the opposite side of the Dell was the Sneyds’ fish hatchery. Fish were raised and then moved to Lake 1 for angling by the Sneyds and their guests. Follow the path, with the picturesque wooded glen and waterfall on your left [E3], staying on higher ground. Follow the trail down to the bottom end of Lake 5, then returning to the car park below Keele Hall with the lakes on your left. Orange walk Stay on the upper path, bearing right, with Lake 5 behind you and then bear left into the woods. Follow smaller tracks, turning right following rising ground and then gently downhill, emerging at the main track where the orange Woodland Walk goes to the left. For this walk, turn left to follow the trail around the far edge of the woodland, via Lakes 1-5, returning to the car park below Keele Hall. The woods here at the far end of the estate are well-loved for all kinds of leisure and social purposes and have been for generations. A large number of native trees have been planted here following removal of Larch and Rhododendrons. Longer walks Follow the Woodland Walk trail to the right, down to Lakes 6, 7 and 8. You may follow this trail back to return to the car park below Keele Hall via Lakes 1-5. Follow the extended trail and leave the estate via a stile beyond Lakes 6-8, joining Lymes Road; turn right following the line of the M6. Follow Lymes Road until you reach Lymes Lodge (private) where you re-enter the estate. Follow the impressive, straight Clock House Drive, which once connected the short-lived Keele Park Racecourse with Keele Hall, stud and stables. Enjoy the impressive avenue of Sweet Chestnut trees back to the central campus, via Keele University Memorial Garden on the left.