Her Culture Bi-Monthy Magazine August/September 2015 | Page 45
Londoners love to sleep in: 27%
of them snooze more than once.
But after waking up, it’s a rush to
head out the door. Only 60% eat
breakfast at home, the lowest
among all surveyed cities. Out of
those who do eat, 25% spend less
than 5 minutes doing so. Despite
the fast breakfast, Londoners find
time for self-reflection in the
morning: 14% of them pray at least
once a week in the mornings.
Other serene morning activities
include stretching or taking a
morning stroll, not surprisingly
since London is one of the most
religiously diverse cities in the
world according to the London
Out of all the 18-29 year old
Londoners surveyed, 20% noted
that they felt stressed or anxious
about their appearance when
getting ready in the morning, the
highest percentage out of all
surveyed cities. Though they may
not embrace the
#IWokeUpLikeThis movement,
they always find time to spread the
love around to others. In fact, 80%
of Londoners show physical
affection towards someone they
live with in the morning.