Her Culture Bi-Monthy Magazine August/September 2015 | Page 43
For many young adults
waking up is the hardest part
of the day. Ideally, we would
wake up naturally when the
sun rises and filters through
our curtains, but most of us
probably set the standard 10
alarms, all 5 minutes apart,
and hit snooze button for every
single one. Some CEOs may
start their morning with a light
jog or yoga, but we like to
exercise our thumbs first: by
scrolling and double-tapping
through our social media of
choice. Then starts the
bathroom shuffle, halfheartedly brushing our teeth
while slumped over the
counter or sitting on the floor
composing ourselves before
we’re flung out into the world.
In the average lifespan, one
will wake up over 30,000
times. Why not get it right?
IKEA conducted an in-depth
study on weekday morning
habits of families around the
world: Berlin, London,
Moscow, Mumbai, New York,
and Shanghai (Paris and
Stockholm were also included,
but were left out of of this
specific article for length
reasons). With well over 1,000
respondents in each city, ages
18-60, the research reveals an
interesting perspective,
peering into different social,
cultural, and geographical
norms. Take a look
at morning routines from
around the world, get inspired,
and optimized your personal