Her Culture Bi-Monthy Magazine April/May 2015 | Page 36

“Women have undoubtedly come a long way in the workplace. But we are nowhere close to complete equality, which one can see in the STEM fields. Because women constitute around 20% of STEM industries, several prominent issues emerge. One is for women themselves: because of social isolation and discrimination, female undergrads in STEM are more likely to be depressed than their humanities counterparts. Another issue is the outcome of a male-dominated field that has so much control over the public's productivity--it ends up being by men, for men. For example, trials on prescription drugs were performed on medical students for decades, all of which were biologically male. As the drugs made their way to the market, the prescribed dose was too much for women and it resulted in fatalities. More women in the workplace means more work for women.”

- Celia, Illinois, USA