hepVoice Vol 30 November 2018 | Page 4

Hep Headlines headlines hep For the diary Hepatitis is making the news regularly thanks to the work of WHA members, here are a few highlights. Iceland could eliminate hepatitis C by 2020 In Iceland, a nationwide program has been launched offering treatment for the entire population living with hepatitis C virus (HCV). A mathematical model was used to estimate the additional health system requirements to achieve the HCV elimination targets of the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as the year that this could occur. With some additional screening of people who inject drugs, Iceland could reach the WHO targets by 2020, becoming one of the first countries to achieve HCV elimination. The model estimated that once elimination targets were reached, maintaining current monitoring and harm reduction services while providing ongoing access to DAA therapy for people diagnosed with HCV would ensure that future HCV outbreaks are unlikely to occur. Read more at www.journal-of- hepatology.eu 4 hep Voice November 2018 Australia releases annual HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmissible infections report The Kirby Institute have released their annual surveillance report. According to the report, an estimated 199,230 people were living with chronic hepatitis C infection at the beginning of 2017 decreasing to 182,144 by the end of 2017, with over 20,454 cured of hepatitis C since the end 2016 thanks to increased access to new treatments subsidised by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. Read more at www. kirby.unsw. edu.au increasing hepatitis C treatment availability in prisons. We would also have liked to have seen a recommendation for prisons to provide sterilised needles and syringes to prevent transmission of BBVs through the sharing of equipment for injecting drugs.” Read more at hepctrust.org.uk Participating in a hepatitis related activity or have an event planned? Email us or contact us on social media. Here are some upcoming events and activities taking place this month. 23-30 November European Testing Week European Testing Week provides the unique opportunity for organisations – in community, health care and policy institutions to unite across Europe to increase testing efforts and create more awareness on the benefits of earlier testing for hepatitis and HIV. 1 December The Hepatitis C Trust responds to select committee report on prison health World Aids Day Rachel Halford, Chief Executive of The Hepatitis C Trust, said: “We welcome calls for a ‘whole system’ approach to prisoner healthcare, and are pleased that the Health and Social Care Committee has acknowledged that prisons are in a vital position to address health inequality. However, there was a disappointing absence of specific recommendations on the better implementation of opt-out testing for blood borne viruses and on 12 December World AIDS Day takes place on the 1st December each year. It’s an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, to show support for people living with HIV, and to commemorate those who have died from an AIDS-related illness Universal Health Coverage Day International Universal Health Coverage Day (UHC Day) on 12 December aims to mobilize diverse stakeholders to call for stronger, more equitable health systems to achieve universal health coverage, leaving no one behind. hep Voice November 2018 5