Hemorrhoid No More PDF / Guide Jessica Wright's Book Free Download | Page 9

10 people around you have had some sort of colon rectal issue – including hemorrhoids – at some point in their lives. Unfortunately, most of them suffer in silence. That is a lot of people hiding a big pain in the butt – literally! Hemorrhoids may be a subject not easily talked about, but that doesn’t mean they are not causing a lot of unnecessary suffering. Why tolerate the pain and discomfort of hemorrhoids when there is help available? Don’t let embarrassment or shame keep you from finding the relief you need and deserve. W h a t T h i s B o o k I s A b o u t When you picked up this book you may have thought that it was about finding relief for your hemorrhoids. Well, it isn’t! Yes, we will discuss practical ways to find relief, but this book offers more than some temporary relief. Instead of using a cream or lotion to ease the discomfort you feel, wouldn’t you rather put an end to your suffering once and for all? The Hemorrhoids Book is designed to help you figure out the cause of your hemorrhoids so you can both prevent and cure them for good. | Hemorrhoid No More | By Jessica Wright Page 10