Hemorrhoid No More PDF EBook Free Download Hemorrhoid No More PDF EBook Free Download | Page 8

9 I n t r o d u c t i o n W h y H e m o r r h o i d s A r e N o t h i n g t o B e A s h a m e d O f I stood in the pharmacy aisle, staring at the package. Dare I pick it up and bravely head toward the counter? For just a split second I thought about stuffing it into my jacket and walking out the door. But what would be more embarrassing -- getting caught buying Preparation H or getting caught stealing it? I could see the headlines now: Local health writer turns research into crime! I had hit a new low and I knew it. The problem wasn’t money. I certainly had enough cash on hand to make this important purchase. The problem was more complicated than that: I was embarrassed to admit that I not only had hemorrhoids, but I was suffering with them and needed relief -- fast! Why are we so ashamed to admit that yes, we have hemorrhoids? Nearly half of the population will suffer with hemorrhoids at some point of their lives, so why do we feel the need to hide our affliction? Hemorrhoids are more common than you might think. Sit in a roomful of strangers and look around. Now consider this startling fact: nearly 80% of the | Hemorrhoid No More | By Jessica Wright Page 9