-The fatal viral infection
face and then disappears. This rash
Aspirin and non steroidal antiappears along with the fever can
inflammatory drugs have
spread from the extremities to cover
possibility of increasing
the entire body. The palms and soles
bleeding complications.
may be bright red and swollen. The
lymph nodes in the neck and groin are Acetaminophen and codeine can be
given for severe headache and for joint
often swollen (lymphoadenopathy).
(arthralgia) and muscle pain
The diagnosis of dengue fever is made (myalgia).
when a patient complaints the typical
To prevent dengue, it is necessary to
clinical symptoms what mentioned
above and has a history of being in an control or eradicate mosquitoes
carrying the virus that causes dengue.
area where dengue fever is endemic.
Antibody titre for dengue virus types, For this people are asked to empty
stagnant water from old tires, trash
complete blood count (CBC),
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test cans, and flower pots. By this it helps
to stop the breeding of mosquitoes. To
for dengue virus types, and liver
function tests are some tests that can prevent mosquito bites, wear long
pants and long sleeves. For personal
be done to diagnose this condition
protection, can use mosquito repellant
sprays. It will be a massive problem all
There is no specific medicine or
around the world, if the necessary
antibiotic to treat dengue. The main
steps are not taken to control this
goal of the treatment is to relieve the
symptoms. Drinking plenty of fluids is disease.
very important when dehydration is