1st step- Stop the burning.
This will prevent further damage. If it’s a thermal burn advice the victim
to roll on the ground to smother flames or you can put a thick blanket or
water on him. For cold burns you can warm the place by wrapping
inside of a cloth or blowing warm air on it. If it’s an electrical burn
separate stop the electric supply and separate the victim from the
source. If it’s a tar, hot plastic or liquid burn run cold water on the burnt
area. Do not use ice on it.
2nd step- Remove clothing around the burnt area.
Note!! Do not try to detach anything which is stuck to the burnt skin.
3rd step- Run cool or lukewarm water on the burned
Never use ice!!!
4th step- Keep the victim warm to prevent hypothermia.
5th step- Cover the burnt place using a clean dry plastic/
polythene bag.
6th step- Treat pain with ibuprofen or any other anti analgesic
Avoid using aspirin to treat children.
7th step- If the burn is severe the patient should be
hospitalized immediately.
Never use any solutions or creams on burns without any
advice from a doctor. Applying 0.5% hydrocortisone cream
may help for minor burns.