Hello Monaco magazine Winter 2018 - issue HM02 | Page 88

Famous Monegasques
Büthor , daughter of the second wife of Leo Ferre , published a book dedicated to life with a musician . In particular , Annie said that « Pépée had her own room , her own toys », and she dined with the family . In the evenings , before going to bed , Pépée « hugged » each member of the family . There are at least two songs in Leo ’ s repertoire that were influenced by the chimpanzee : « Pépée » and « Avec le temps ». During his career , Leo Ferre released 40 albums , becoming a true master of French music . The musician died in July 1993 , in
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the town of Castellina in Tuscany , but was buried in the cemetery in Monaco .
Ferre and Monaco
In April 1954 , at the initiative of Prince Rainier III , Ferre gave a grandiose concert at the Monte-Carlo Opera . Accompanied by the orchestra and the choir of the Opera , the musician performed his oratorio inspired by Guillaume Appolinaire , in particular , « The Song of the Unloved ». Interestingly , the album of the concert recorded by Radio
Monte-Carlo , was only first released in April 2006 by « La Mémoire et la Mer ». The small state of Monaco should be very proud of being the birthplace for such a famous artist . But you may think that Leo Ferre ’ s connection to Monaco was not as strong as that to Paris , because up until 2013 , only one place in Monaco was bearing the musician ’ s name . Fortunately , four years ago , a concert hall was named in his honour on the initiative of the Municipality of Monaco . HSH Prince Albert II attended the opening of Leo Ferre Hall in person . The apartment on Avenue Saint-Michel where the famous musician was born is another place associated with Ferre . It now sits empty , but is actually still rented by the Ferre family in hope of opening a museum about the musician . However , that initiative awaits financial backing . Leo Ferre ’ s son Mathieu recalls in one of his interviews that his father was very fond of Monaco . They would often come on a visit to the Principality and stroll along to La Condamine where he bought his favourite dish , socca . For Ferre , Monaco was the place of his childhood where his mother made a delicious tomato sauce and the whole family would sit down at a huge table in the living room . At the age of 5 he was listening to music , walking through the Principality streets and imagining himself a conductor of a large orchestra . The memories of Monaco , for sure , must have been some of his happiest .
В тридцать лет он написал свой первый текст в прозе для монегасской газеты . Тогда же Лео познакомился с Эдит Пиаф , которая настоятельно рекомендовала молодому музыканту ехать в Париж и пробовать свои силы там .
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Человек-оркестр — именно так стоит называть монегасского музыканта Лео Ферре , который за свою карьеру успел выпустить несколько десятков альбомов , написать роман , создать оратории , вдохновляясь нетривиальными стихами Аполлинера и Бодлера . Ферре считал себя анархистом , именно это понятие красной нитью тянется через все его творчество . 24 августа 1916 года в квартире на авеню Сен-Мишель , где проживала семья дирек- тора одного из монакских казино , родился мальчик . Новоиспеченные родители решили назвать сына Лео . До 9 лет он жил в Княжестве , а затем его отправили в пансион Святого Карла в Бордигеру ( Италия ). В 1934 году , после окончания школы , Лео попросил у отца разрешения на поступление в консерваторию . Однако глава семейства видел будущее своего сына иначе , и через год юноша отправился в Париж , чтобы изучать право . И хотя Лео поступил в Институт политических исследований , он не упускал возможности ходить в кино и обучаться игре на фортепиано .

86 / Hello Monaco – Winter 2018