Hello Monaco magazine Winter 2018 - issue HM02 | Page 140

Dmitry Grishin ( Club & International Relations manager of World Class Monaco )

Pilates : changing stereotypes

Большой спорт в маленьком Княжестве . Пилатес : меняя стереотипы

Movie stars , professional athletes and dancers all call Pilates their « secret weapon ». It is not a big surprise since this exercise system involves all your body muscles while also strengthening and stretching them . Over the years , Pilates has developed into many versions and interpretations , including some unfortunate stereotypes . Dmitry Grishin is a certified trainer with Romana ’ s Pilates New York , Metropolitan Pilates Seattle , a leading coach for World Class seminars , and the manager of World Class Monaco fitness club . Dmitry tells Hello Monaco about the origin of Pilates , breaks some stereotypes and gives us some important info on what is and what is not proper Pilates .
Кинозвезды , профессиональные спортсмены и танцоры называют пилатес своим « секретным оружием ». Сам Джозеф Пилатес описывал свою практику тремя словами — Сила , Гибкость и Контроль . К сожалению , Пилатес не был хорошим бизнесменом и не запатентовал название своего метода , поэтому весь мир стал называть его именем различные активности , которые зачастую не имеют с методом ничего общего . Вместе с управляющим фитнес-клуба World Class Monaco Дмитрием Гришиным мы разберем самые распространенные стереотипы о пилатесе и расскажем о настоящей контрологии .
How it all started

The creator of the program , Joseph Pilates , was trying to combat his own ailments as early as a teenager . He was actively and purposefully engaged in various sports , studied yoga and Chinese Tai Chi . Eventually he developed his own exercise course that helped him get rid of his illnesses and even achieve good athletic results . His method is a combination of eastern and western training practices — from yoga to Greco- Roman fight . His followers , including many dancers , introduced various choreographic elements to the method , which was later transformed into exercises . Joseph worked on his program for the rest of his life . The example set by his clients and students proved that the technique he called « contrology » was a highly efficient method of physical education . He also wrote several books , one of which — « Return to Life Through Contrology » — has become a global bestseller .

138 / Hello Monaco – Winter 2018