Hello Monaco magazine Winter 2018 - issue HM02 | Page 118

Keeping Monaco Healthy



Susan Tomassini
HelloMonaco is pleased to introduce Susan Tomassini , a licensed nutritionist and co-owner of The Clever Kitchen and Foodwise in Monaco . She contributes a column on healthy lifestyle to give our readers important information on eating well , staying healthy and finding balance in our often-hectic lives . Susan spent over 20 years as a model in Milan and after having children , devoted her life to studying health and nutrition . Her website , Foodwise ( www . foodwise . life ), offers practical nutrition and lifestyle advice . Through Monaco-based The Clever Kitchen ( www . thecleverkitchen . com ), Susan offers nutrition workshops with inspirational and realistic ways to stay healthy , featuring healthy recipes based on fresh , seasonal produce and nutrient-dense Superfoods .
Сьюзен Томассини — сертифицированный диетолог и нутриционист . Более 20 лет Сьюзен проработала моделью на модных показах в Милане , а после рождения детей посвятила себя изучению и популяризации здорового питания . Сегодня у Сьюзен частная практика , она возглавляет проекты Foodwise и The Clever Kitchen , предлагая индивидуальные программы , помо гающие людям перейти к здоровому образу жизни и решить проблемы с питанием . Сьюзен и будет нашим гидом на пути к здоровому образу жизни .
It ’ s that time of year again . The festive season is a time for joy and celebration , but also a time when you ’ re more likely to be under considerable physical and mental pressure . All too often , the holidays are more frantic and stressful than festive and fun . Especially if you ’ re facing a dizzying array of demands – parties , shopping , baking , cleaning and entertaining – just to name a few .
Праздничный сезон — время радости и веселья . Как ни странно , но именно в эти дни вы , вероятно , можете испытать большой стресс и напряжение . Организация застолья , покупки , готовка , уборка и развлечение гостей … И это лишь некоторые из праздничных обязанностей , которые точно не дадут вам расслабиться .
The holidays also coincide with the peak cold and flu season , when your immune system is working overtime to defend you from the nasty bugs that are going around . Many of us suffer from seasonal affective disorder ( SAD ) as the days turn shorter and there is less sunlight . No wonder the holiday season often brings unwelcome guests : stress and depression . It certainly does ’ t help that everywhere you look there are the temptations of food and drink . But all those sweets and alcohol wreak havoc on waistlines and blood sugar levels , leading to fatigue and moodiness – not radiance and glow .
Stress Survival Strategies Most of us live with constant stress – and not just during the holidays . We ’ re overworked , under-nourished , exposed to environmental toxins and often under considerable emotional pressure . It ’ s essential to deal with it effectively before it has a negative effect on our health , not only on our enjoyment of life – as stress is at the heart of most diseases that face us today .
Here are a few simple nutrition tips to help your body cope better with the challenges of the season , protect your immunity and help you make Christmas as stress-free as possible .
Get off to a good start Drink warm lemon water first thing in the morning . It hydrates your body and starts you off on the right foot . Make time for a balanced breakfast packed with slow release energy and immune-boosting antioxidants . Good choices are granola with soy or coconut yogurt and fruit , porridge with nuts and seeds or a big green smoothie with a whole-grain cracker and almond butter .
Boost those B vitamins B complex vitamins are vital for energy production as well as for the detoxification of alcohol . They ’ re needed for proper nerve function and to alleviate depression and anxiety . A heavy night out depletes them . Good food sources are nuts , seeds , legumes , green leafy vegetables and whole grains .
Take advantage of the Riviera sun when possible and take a vitamin D supplement throughout the winter months .
116 / Hello Monaco – Winter 2018