Hello Monaco magazine Winter 2018 - issue HM02 | Page 19
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Oceanographic Museum
Океанографический музей
ENG rus
he Oceanographic Museum is definitely not a building to
miss. With the façade perched on a cliff above the sea, this
building is an architectural masterpiece. Inaugurated in
1910 by Prince Albert I, the museum quickly became a scientific
and cultural centre for the Principality. The aquarium in the
basement displays a wide range of sea flora and fauna. The
museum was the first in the world to keep and reproduce coral in
captivity, which is quite a complicated task. ельзя оставить без внимания и Океанографический музей
с подземным аквариумом, который представляет собой
истинный шедевр современной архитектуры, поскольку
сооружение расположено почти на отвесной скале. Музей,