Hello Monaco magazine HelloMonaco 2018#04_Summer_Autumn_WEB | Page 152

Секреты омоложения и препараты генной регуляции XXI века
Professor Elena Baranova MD , PhD , HDR
Dr Baranova conducts scientific and clinical research studies in the field of quantum genomics , anti-aging , psychobiology and personalised prevention . Reknowned for her advanced knowledge of Genomics , and Anti-aging , she is one of Europe ’ s leading experts on how to harness this knowledge to change your genetic direction , leading to an abundance of youthful vitality .
Профессор Между народный Эксперт по Геномике и Медицине Анти- Старения , Экс перт Европейской Комиссии по вопросам геномики здоровья и пер сонализированной медицины , Президент Европейского Института Персонализированной Медицины и Здоровья , Монако .
Основатель уникального подхода HAUTE COUTURE PREVENTION в области персонализированной медицины , здоровья и красоты . Лауреат различных наград , в том числе : 1-го Приза за Лучшую научную работу и публикацию в области персонализированной медицины ( Всемирный Конгресс , Канада ); приза « Женщина Года » за выдающиеся профессиональные достижения ( Франция ). Профессор Баранова в настоящее время проживает в Монако , куда ее пригласило правительство страны в связи с заслугами в области персонализированной медицины и антистарения .
Автор многочисленных научных исследований , презентаций , публи каций и книг в области но вой генетики , геномики , антивозрастной медицины и индивидуальных подходов в персонализированной медицине с более чем 20-летним стажем в этих инновационных областях .


Секреты омоложения и препараты генной регуляции XXI века
We ’ ve already introduced our readers to Monaco professor Elena Baranova . Today , she talks to us about her own products .
Мы уже знакомили наших читателей с профессором Монако Еленой Барановой . Сегодня речь пойдет о созданных ею препаратах .
When did you come up with the idea to create your own products ?
I started consulting my patients in nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics in the early 2000s . I realized back then that very few drugs on the market were actually doing the job . According to official French statistics , 97 % of drugs on the international micronutrient market are not efficient . There are two reasons for this lack of efficiency : either low dosage and wrong composition or wrong usage . That ’ s how I started making my own preparations . Writing a formula was not a problem , I knew exactly what it took . But it was much more difficult to find quality raw materials and the right production capacities . I did not want my products to even feel like drugs . This is all about wellness , a completely different story that has nothing to do with illnesses or medication . Taking vitamins should be as enjoyable and aesthetic as using nice cosmetics . All my preparations are made in Europe . We only work with the best producers for both raw materials and packaging . The capsules are produced in Germany , Holland and Belgium . Liquids are produced in Switzerland . Our capsules are professionally dozed to be taken once per day , with packs of 30 for one month . There is no need for lots of packaging these days , everything is efficient and compact .
What kind of products are you offering ?
Among others , we have Energy I , a new generation of antioxidant used for restoring cellular respiration , energy balance and protecting blood vessels . It is also great for boosting your energy levels .
Energy I is taken when you need it , at any time to keep you active throughout the day . It also has another interesting property , for those who consume alcohol , 1 – 2 pills are enough to relieve hangover symptoms . It is good for improving brain function , increasing cellular respiration , stimulating DNA connections . This is an antioxidant of the new generation . Energy I is suitable for smokers since it restores cellular respiration and prevents vessel spasms . It is also efficient for people who have experienced a heart attack or a stroke and other serious illnesses . Another group is detox products for genetic stimulation and genetic profile transformation . At 35 +, no matter what your genetic resource is , gene activity is starting to slow down . Cellular detox and gene stimulation are therefore vital . Lycogebe ( Detox II Stimulator ) with a high concentration of a lycopene is a highly efficient antioxidant . It is usually taken as a 2-month course and its effect is highly visible . We also have a special product line for sleep restoration . Our products work as neurotransmitter restorers and memory activators . There is still another group of products used for rejuvenation , anti-aging and hormonal regulation , like resveratrol . We use activated resveratrol for our vascular and brain health courses , for triggering anti-aging and as an additional gene regulator . These products are particularly good for women producing toxic estrogens that are responsible for breast cancers . It is actually preventing certain female oncology cases . It is also efficient with male smokers . We have a product from a highly activated vitamin B range . It helps DNA functioning and regulates our homocysteine level — the lower it is , the better . High homocysteine is
150 / Hello Monaco Summer – Autumn 2018