Hello Monaco #16 Winter 2022–2023 HM 2022 #16_web | Page 69




Monaco ’ s Suave Bond who Loved Children

By Justin Brisk / Автор : Джастин Бриск
Blame it on Ian Fleming who created the dapper James Bond character , the spy who was at ease in the pinnacle of luxury … and never far from a Casino filled with the rich and famous . Where else but the Principality of Monaco was Roger Moore , the longest reigning Bond likely to choose to live .
Похоже , Ян Флеминг , создавший образ элегантного шпиона Джеймса Бонда , воплощение абсолютной непринужденности среди вопиющей роскоши , что-то знал о том , как сложится судьба одного из актеров , сыгравших его героя в кино … И правда , где еще , как не в Княжестве Монако , было жить Роджеру Муру , которого , по легенде , в этой роли видел сам Флеминг ?

It should be said that Cupid shares the blame because love ’ s arrow scored a bulls-eye when Danish-Swedish socialite Kristina Tholstrup cast eyes on Roger at a dinner party . She lived in Monaco and he wanted to join this lady he had fallen in love with . Cupid ’ s work was done . And that ’ s how Moore came to live in the princely setting that would glamorize James Bond films .

When Roger Moore moved to Monaco , it was when the “ beautiful people ” partied all day and all night . Covid for a couple of years since put a small dent in the partying though shared martinis both shaken and stirred are now back in full fling . Monaco suited Moore because it was a lot more than a playground for the moneyed , the models , and the mavericks . Though talking of mavericks , it was uncanny that Moore had also played the wild west character Maverick on his way to the role of Bond that he was destined for .
Alamy . com
He said that Monaco was very much his home with its amazing social life and the excitement that is inseparable from life in Monaco and its centre of Monte-Carlo .
Roger Moore had a record reign as James Bond in the world-famous saga Роджер Мур в роли Джеймса Бонда , которая принесла актеру мировую славу
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