Hello Monaco #16 Winter 2022–2023 HM 2022 #16_web | Page 117

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Prince Albert I of Monaco devoted much of his life to the study of our planet . Князь Монако Альбер I был не только главой государства , но и видным ученым и исследователем .

As a young man , Prince Albert ’ s interest for exploration began when he served in the Spanish Navy as a navigator . During the Franco-Prussian War , he joined the French Navy and was awarded the Legion of Honour . At the tender age of 22 , Prince Albert I began a career in the new science of oceanography . Accompanied by some of the world ’ s leading marine specialists , his first adventures were close to home , when he mapped the entire length and width of the Mediterranean .

Changing European History With Archeological Discoveries Close To Home

Prince Albert I financed archaeological explorations in Monaco , France and Italy . In 1901 , the extraordinary discovery of two human skeletons dating from about 22,000 BC were discovered in an Italian cave . The remains were named ‘ Grimaldi ’ in honour of the Prince .

The Grimaldi skeletons were very different from any other finds ever unearthed in Europe before . Unlike Neanderthals , the Grimaldi skeletons were slender and light , even when compared to other skeletons found in the area . Although still debated to this day , scientists believe that the skeletons are well-preserved and unique examples of an “ intermediate race ”.
Monaco ’ s Anthropological Museum , founded by Prince Albert I , holds major exhibitions commemorating the Prince who founded the museum . The Grimaldi skeletons and an exclusive assembly of collections from the past century get displayed in exhibitions at the museum .
Discovering The Princess Alice Bank And Becoming Friends With The King Of Portugal

During an oceanographic survey of the Azores ( a group of nine volcanic islands west of Portugal ) Prince Albert I made an unprecedented discovery . On 9 July 1896 at 6:00am , aboard the Princess Alice research yacht , the Prince discovered rocky ledges which were only 241 metres deep . After scouring the area , the Prince and his team mapped out an underwater platform , with a circumference of about 55 km .

Prince Albert quickly telegrammed King Carlos of Portugal to announce the discovery and inform him of the usefulness of the bank for fishing . After returning to Monaco , the Prince circulated a press statement reporting the discovery of the Princess Alice bank . King Carlos was deeply grateful and awarded the Prince with the Order of Santiago .
To this day , thanks to Prince Albert ’ s discovery , the Princess Alice Bank remains a major area for fishing and exploration . An exhibition paying tribute to the friendship between the two sovereigns , Prince Albert I and King Carlos , took place at the Navy Museum in Lisbon this year .
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