Hello Monaco #16 Winter 2022–2023 HM 2022 #16_web | Page 39

She is fashionable , flirtatious , mischievous and straightforward . A young woman present on social networks , but surrounded by real friends , conscious about her looks but aware that a heart matters more than appearance , a member of the princely family , but of a great simplicity at that . Camille Gottlieb comes across as a worthy daughter of her mother , Princess Stéphanie of Monaco . Just like her , she is fully committed to charity and community work . Same as her mother , she is oblivious of any codes , free and determined . We were happy to meet at the Palace this beautiful person who was willing to speak frankly , sharing her dreams and convictions . With no fuss or restraint .
Младшая дочь принцессы Стефании кокетлива , озорна и прямолинейна . Она активно пользуется соцсетями , но умеет ценить давнюю дружбу , следит за модой и внешностью , но понимает , что важнее внутренний мир . Будучи членом княжеской семьи , она естественна и проста в общении . Как и принцесса Стефания , Камилла целиком посвящает себя благотворительности и точно так же свободна и решительна . Истинная дочь своей матери .
Мы имели удовольствие пообщаться в княжеском дворце с этой прекрасной молодой женщиной , готовой откровенно и без малейшей напыщенности делиться своими мечтами и устремлениями .
Hello Monaco : Camille , your involvement with charities started early on . What was the trigger ?
Camille Gottlieb : Ever since I was very young , my mother would explain to me what humanitarian work was about . I was immersed in charity from my very birth . It was part of my education .
: When you say very young , what does that mean ?
CG : At the age of five or six I would already accompany my mother to Christmas parties for disabled children or the elderly . I was literally inbued with mutual aid values . Ever since I was old enough to understand , I was told about the fight against HIV . At the age of 18 ,
Photo : F . Nebinger
From left to right : Margaux Grundstein , Elena Sivoldaeva ( donor ), Camille Gottlieb , Laura Dias Слева направо : Марго Грюндстайн , Елена Сиволдаева ( даритель ), Камилла Готлиб , Лаура Диас
Hello Monaco Winter 2022 – 2023 / 37 www . hellomonaco . com