Hello Monaco #15 Summer–Autumn 2022 | Page 66

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© Direction de la Communication
each other . The current Director is Mr . Richard Marangoni . And Mr . Laurent Braulio is Chief of the City Police .
In 120 years , this Directorate has seen its workforce gradually increase , currently with well over 500 plainclothes police officers , officers in uniform and administrative and technical employees .
At the same time , the Department of Public Security has seen its missions and prerogatives increase very significantly . Over the past decades , major restructuring has been carried out in depth , so that the measures are fully adapted to the evolution of society , but also to the multiple forms that delinquency takes , including digital fraud .
It takes crack detectives and painstaking investigative work to solve the particu- lar cases . Court cases involve instances of Seduction , Blackmail and Attempted Murder and sometimes read like a film script .
Thanks to the Sûreté , its Police and its detectives Monaco is uniquely safe for its residents and visitors but NOT for criminals who soon find themselves apprehended and justice served .
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The Grimaldi Dynasty and the Principality itself have made it through hundreds of years of the turbulence surrounding them . States and the robust pillars that go to the core of their essence have mottos that carry them forward across centuries . Their survival owes as much to loyalty and ideas as to raw power .

Starting at the apex is the motto “ Deo Juvante ” ( With God ' s Help ) which is the motto of Monaco and its Princes . Then there are the Prince ’ s Guards who go back as far as the 14th century in the records . Even in their modern form ( The Compagnie des Carabiniers du Prince ) we are looking at over 200 years since 1817 with their Motto : “ Honour — Loyalty — Devotion To Duty ” to guide them .
And then when we look at Public Security and the safety of the Prince and all his subjects , residents and visitors … the everyday life of the Principality , everywhere , the Department of Public Security has its own identity and motto to also guide it through future centuries :
In Latin : Fides — Diligentia — Virtus , In French : Loyaute , Vigilance , Courage , and in English : Loyalty , Vigilance , Courage .

Historically celebrated on April 23rd , Saint George joins the important Saints linked to the Principality ’ s core institutions such as Saint Devote , Patron Saint for the Principality , and San Sebastien , Patron Saint of the Prince ’ s Carabinieri . Saint George has a most colourful story behind his association with public safety … and the safety of princesses too which makes him an ideal protector for Monaco .

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