Hello Monaco # 13 Winter 2021–2022 | Page 162

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The school week comprises approximately 26 academic hours and 3 – 4 hours of physical training . French language and literature comprise most of the hours ( 4 – 5 hours per week ), math gets 4 hours , and the rest of the subjects get from 1 to 3.5 hours .
There are typically 20 to 35 students and a “ main teacher ” ( professeur principal ) in a class .
“ Collège ” aims at preparing students to study at a “ Lycée ”.
lish , music and sport , and provide support for foreign students .
14 – 15 year old students go to a Lycée based on their residence or based upon competition . The Lycées are divided into three types : general , technological and professional . A “ baccalauréat ” is awarded to a student upon graduation from a general Lycée ( 3 years of High School ), giving him or her access to higher education .
A Lycée lets a student choose one of the following options : Economics and sociology , science or literature .
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term , having nothing to do with their academic degree .
Education in “ Collège ” is mandatory and open to all citizens and all residents of Monaco .
The educational process is divided into three cycles :
Adaptation cycle — the 6th grade takes all primary school leavers without any examinations . The aim of this first year is to consolidate the knowledge acquired in the elementary school and prepare children for independent learning . In this year they choose their first foreign language .
Main cycle — 5 th and 4 th grades . Children are prepared to choose a professional direction later on in the “ Lycée ”. Chemistry and physics are taught in the 5th grade , Latin is optional and a second foreign language is added in the 4 th grade .
The professional orientation cycle corresponds to the 3rd grade and offers students three options to choose from : general , technical or vocational training . At this point they can also take Greek as a foreign language and a 3 – 6 hour module “ introduction to professional life .” At the end of the 3rd grade a national exam is passed , recognised by a “ diplôme national du brevet ”. However , this does not affect the transition to the next grade .
Students now have an opportunity to enrol in the 2nd grade of either a general or technological “ lycée ” or go to a vocational school and train for a certificate of professional competence ( сertificat d ’ aptitude professionnelle ).
Everything is usually decided at the last “ class council ” in June where teachers let a student pass to the next grade on the basis of his or her performance . Three outcomes are thus possible : m A student passes to the next grade ; m He or she repeats a year ( redoublement ); m He or she may be allowed to skip the next grade and go straight to the one after ( rarely happens ).
A “ Repeater ” may dispute the decision with a special “ Appeal Council ” whose verdict will be final .
By the way , this year 100 % of Monaco students successfully passed their brevet after “ collège ”: 88,92 % with an excellent note (“ très bien ”). Most schools , on top of the main curriculum , offer extra lessons in Eng-
The school year comprises 36 weeks from September to the beginning of July . The school day starts at 8.30 – 8.45 am depending on the school and ends at about 4.30 pm , including a break for lunch . If one or both parents work or own a company in Monaco , their child is provided lunch at public school . If not , they have to take him or her home for lunch break .
Schools are closed on : All Saints Day ( November 1 ), Christmas and New Year , and also for a break in February and in April . The month of May is a holiday month . 1st of May is Labour Day , then there are two Catholic holidays and finally Formula 1 . As a result , children are out of school for two weeks .
In general , the schedule is as follows : 6 weeks of studies for 10 – 14 days of vacation . Wednesday is a short day .
A “ Bachelor of Technology ” is awarded to a student upon graduation from a Technological Lycée , with a right to continue his studies at university in one of these three areas : management , industry and environment , or hotel business .
Vocational training lasts for 2 years and is recognised by a certificate of professional competence . However , it does not give access to higher education . Since 2005 , to qualify to take a professional bachelor degree requires three years of studies at the Lycée .

Just like in France , the state of Monaco gives its students a choice between “ public ” schools with free tuition and private institutions . All public and most of the private schools sign a contract with the Principality and are recognized both in France and abroad . The courses are taught in French . Some schools offer “ French as a foreign language ” for children whose mother tongue is not French .

There are several “ public ” kindergartens and primary schools in Monaco . Enrolments are based on the corresponding areas of residence , usually providing a children ’ s canteen service along with indoor and outdoor playrooms . École de Carmes , École du Parc , École Stella , École de la Condamine , École de Fontvieille , École Saint Charles and École des Révoires offer a rich pedagogical programme from Mondays to Fridays , in the morning and in the afternoon .
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