Hello Monaco # 13 Winter 2021–2022 | Page 155

This pure and healing source of water springs from the very depths of the earth at 44 ° С , enveloping you in a warm cocoon of mineral water , iron and iodine ... Infiltrating its natural environment at the surface , these waters warmed in contact with magma are particularly beneficial for rheumatic and dermatological сonditions . These sources have been known since the Roman times , the Stabatio village (« place of healing ») dating back to the 4th century AD . Our ancestors thus intuitively perceived the benefits of these waters , a precious gift of the mountains .
Яркое солнце , ослепительный снег , чистейший воздух , пропитанный ароматом сосен и елей … Все это ждет тех , кто решит провести несколько зимних дней в деревне Ле-Монетье-ле-Бен в Южных Альпах . Но главное сокровище этих мест — термальная вода , насыщенная полезными минералами , йодом и железом . Вода из подземных источников , пройдя несколько ступеней фильтрации , за счет вулканической активности Земли нагревается до 44 ° С и вырывается наружу , чтобы поделиться с людьми всеми своими целебными свойствами …

Over the centuries , this Thermal Spa has undergone quite a few transformations . The “ drinkers ’ pavilion ” was set up in the early 18th century , bringing out the beneficial gastric properties of these waters . The first spacious thermal establishment was commissioned by the King of France in 1786 . “ Les petits Bains ” were opened in 1999 , whilst “ Les Grands Bains du Monêtier ” have been enjoying a growing success since 2008 .

The 4,500 m 2 complex , in the heart of the Serre Chevalier valley , is entirely dedicated to your well-being , spa treatments and entertainment . The fun part of it is indeed very important . “ Make our water the source of your pleasure ” — goes its inviting slogan .
The pleasure clearly starts with the large , inside and outside swimming pools , equipped with all kinds of hydro-massaging jets , water blades and geysers . This perfect aquatic adventure has a unique panorama of alternately majestic emerald , or immaculately white mountains . When snowflakes caress your cheeks as you are immersed in beautifully warm water , the magic truly reaches its pinnacle . A lovely bonus after a busy skiing day .
Another interesting idea for relaxation is to float around in a musical cave . Sounds reach your ears through a cocoon of lukewarm water , providing a geniune feeling of lightness .
If that does not take your fancy opt for a refreshing mist evoking a waterfall in the heart of the summer . Enjoy an outdoor jacuzzi on the first-floor terrace , offering absolute tranquility with its mountain peaks ’ view . Take a nap on hot marbles with your eyes closed . Treat yourself to this relaxing mode of sunbathing with no inconvenience from ultraviolet rays or risk of sunstroke . This is a great
Hello Monaco Winter 2021 – 2022 / 153 www . hellomonaco . ru