Hello Monaco #13 Winter 2021–2022 | Page 82


When the lively and vibrant young woman walked into the restaurant , she seemed to have filled the entire place with her energy . I couldn ’ t help asking myself : if such strong charisma is obvious in everyday life , what happens on the stage ?

Lockdown has been a real challenge to all musicians . Velitchka , however , found a way to make the best of these difficult times : “ Self-isolation has had a positive influence on me . All concerts were obviously cancelled , but I refused to give up ! Every evening at 8 pm , I performed for the neighbours from my balcony . They definitely had fun ! I have become much more active online , posting my performances on YouTube and Instagram (@ cello . velitchka ). This is how I stayed in touch with my audience in Canada and Europe .”
Even if our life is slowly going back to normal , the musician believes that audiences have now lost the habit of large-scale events , preferring the comfort of their own home to large concert halls : “ People favour chamber performances . They are still reticent to attend large music shows . Just an intimate home circle and piano “ works ” very well these days .”
ago , some musician friends invited me to work on a festival and teaching project in Monaco .”
“ People would often ask : what age did you start doing music ? As long as I live ! At the age of between three and four , in kindergarten , I was lining up objects and playing them as if they were musical instruments . I started playing accordion at the age of five . I ’ ve always liked the piano . I didn ’ t really care what instrument to play on . Music was everything for me .”

Why cello ? This choice was inspired by the music teacher . The instrument first seemed bulky and awkward to the performer . Velitchka had a comic image of herself dragging a huge cello onto the stage . However , after a while , the cello started to play in unison with her own heart : “ For me , the cello is a beautiful , delicate instrument . Its sound , more than that of any other instrument , resembles a human voice .”

© HelloMonaco

The performer moved to Monaco area for her festival and teaching projects : “ At the age of 18 , I went to study at the Moscow Conservatory , the most demanding and prestigious music academy in the world . We were taught absolutely everything there : performance technique , and style . The most important thing I learned for myself : music is like life or death . My performance therefore brings out all kinds of emotions . After my experience in Russia , I moved to Montreal , Canada , where I lived for 25 years . Five years

After a concert in Guatemala city После концерта в Гватемале
Concert in Monaco at the CREM ( Club des residents étrangers de Monaco ) Концерт в Клубе иностранных резидентов Монако CREM
© Velitchka Yotcheva
Like any other kind of art , music wants you to be in the right mood . The classical genre is so rich in emotions that the listener needs to prepare himself for its perception in advance . “ I start my concerts with popular music , then I perform classics . At the start , I give the audience what they want to hear , playing my own compositions and timeless classics . Further on , people get tuned in and ready to perceive and feel .”
The cellist ’ s concert repertoire even features rock ballads : “ Speaking about popular music , I enjoy everything : AC / DC , U2 , Queen , Rolling Stones , Andrea Bocelli , “ Moscow Nights ”! All this has a personal touch for me .”
Velitchka Yotcheva is very positive about her upcoming concert activity . She believes that her profession will always be relevant : “ Art performers should be there to stay ! Our mission is to inspire people . That is why I play in hospitals , for the elderly and teach children . This project is very important to me . Music does not heal , but it helps when needed . “
Get introduced to Velitchka ’ s cello performances on her official website www . velitchkayotcheva . ca
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