Hello Monaco #13 Winter 2021–2022 | Page 152

HelloMonaco : Please tell us about your beginning in the media business .
Alina Dyachenko-Yushkevich : My path goes back 12 years . While studing my BBA and 3 MBAs in International Management , I was straight away sought after as a Marketing Manager for a prestigious Spanish glossy magazine . At that time , I was studying and starting my career in Barcelona .
Eventually , I was promoted to be an international director , opening its franchises around the world . Among other things , it gave me precious life experiences in India , Miami and the Dominican Republic .
: What challenges have you faced as an entrepreneur along the way ?
ADY : I believe , at the moment , men do have a leading role in businesses worldwide . As to Dubai , I must say , that the situation is changing . Back five years ago , it was all different . Now we do have women ministers and others taking some important positions .
More and more women are doing business now , and I would say , they do get men ’ s respect . There are all kinds of expats here : European and American who bring their own culture . However , the trend is for the women to be likely to be doing a ‘ female ’ business : beauty salons , cosmetics , flower shops etc .
During my first experience in the UAE , I did face some difficulties . Now , being my own company ’ s director , I am in a strong position . They treat me as an equal and mind my advice .
: Please give some personal advice for aspiring entrepreneurs .
ADY : You need to work very hard for men to perceive you as a business equal . Act professionally , then there will be no place for prejudice . This is what all the new expats coming to Dubai do .
I would also advise ladies to believe in themselves . For us , women , the ‘ state of the flow ’ is more important than step-by-step planning . Be ready to change and adapt . This is a vital quality . Never give up , look for like-minded women .
: Tell us about your favourite places in the Emirates .
ADY : I would recommend the ‘ Emirates Maldives ’ — Zaya Nurai Island . This is a stunning location around Abu Dhabi . You feel like the weather is different there ! It has a milder climate , less humidity and lower temperatures compared to Dubai .
To feel the spirit of the UAE , I would definitely advise you to visit one of the resorts in the desert . Observe the animals coming to the watering places . Experience camel riding , falconry , Bedouin-style overnight stays in the desert — try all the local attractions !
The Atlantis Hotel has some very special suites overlooking a large aquarium . You get a geniune impression of being under the water . There is also an authentic underwater restaurant .
Another interesting experience is the Dubai Eye . This largest Ferris wheel in the world is renting its booths for private dinners or a party .
: What are your plans for the future ?
ADY : More networking events for my magazine and concierge club . Connecting people from different countries . My mission is for the brand to go bigger , opening its franchises worldwide .
I would also like to explore the fashion industry : launch my own brand of clothing and jewellery . This gives me inspiration . Having an inspiration of any kind is vital for a woman .

RUSСейчас настоящим центром

притяжения мировой бизнес-элиты , безусловно , является Дубай . Современный мегаполис предлагает отличный сервис , достойный уровень жизни и привлекательные условия для бизнеса . Здесь в роскошных восточных интерьерах чувствуешь себя королевской персоной , а публика , приехавшая сюда из разных стран , создает свой особый микроклимат , состоящий из микса различных культур и традиций .
Где , если не в восточной столице жизни в стиле « люкс », рассказывать о насыщенной светской жизни , путешествиях , моде , культуре , роскошных авто , часах и яхтах , делиться бьюти советами и писать о лучших велнесс-центрах ? Этим вот уже два года занимается издание Chic Icon . На электронных страницах этого журнала вы найдете эксклюзивные материалы о жизни в городе и за его пределами и , безусловно , почерпнете много интересной и полезной информации .
За повестку дня жителей Арабских Эмиратов отвечает основатель и генеральный директор издания Алина Дьяченко- Юшкевич . Мы поговорили с амбициозной предпринимательницей о ее опыте жизни в разных странах , спросили , с чего стоит начать девушке в мире бизнеса , и получили ее личный список любимых мест в ОАЭ .
HelloMonaco : Расскажите о том , как вы начали работать в медиабизнесе .
Алина Дьяченко-Юшкевич : Мой путь в медиабизнесе начался 12 лет назад . Во время получения степени BBA и трех степеней MBA в области международного менеджмента я устроилась работать менеджером по маркетингу в престижное испанское глянцевое издание . На тот момент я училась и начинала свою карьеру в Барселоне .
150 / Hello Monaco Winter 2021 – 2022 www . hellomonaco . com