Hello Monaco #13 Winter 2021–2022 | Page 67

DESIGN TALKS cannot drive your car just because you are officially allowed to . You have to practice a lot . Even in my case the most interesting part came after my studies . And this is what made the difference . Now I can look back on more than 40 years of experience in this market .
: What particular aspects of your background and upbringing have shaped your design principles and philosophies ?
Marieux : Well , it took a while to discover myself . But if you look very carefully at all the designs I believe there is a red line . It comes directly from Art Déco and Art Nouveau which are my sources of inspiration that I really love . I can talk about my preferred styles for hours and this is just the starting point of everything we create . You can guess it from the final design outcome . For sure , I can also design ranging from classic to post-modern or contemporary up to baroque , according to clients ’ tastes and wishes .
: Who has been the major influence on your work to date ?
Lobby decorated by Marieux and art by Yaniv Edery , Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel
Marieux : All great masters of the past had been inspired by their predecessors . But sometime inspiration comes from something you do not expect . I could say I ‘ steal ’ something from the past , as everyone does , but you need inspiration from everything that surrounds you . This is crucial to allow you to develop something new to reach the next level . So , there is not a particular key person but rather what is happening around the world is the source .
: Your rich and exquisite Design style is the fruit of long experience whose outstanding expertise embraces different fields . Did you visit foreign countries to experiment and practice more techniques and to look for new materials ?
Marieux : Without travelling and visiting different Countries with their cultures , I could not reach the level I achieved . Qatar , for example , is for me a ‘ hub ’ for the complete Middle East . Plus , for instance , Dubai is also truly international . It is more a strategic choice than an inspiration for my design . I had a showroom in Hollywood , I had one in Singapore , and in other locations because people are seeking to experience my design locally . This used to be my ‘ problem ’. In the past I could fly from Singapore to Amsterdam airport , discuss the project with my team and fly to New York the same day , crossing several time zones . Then I said : “ I won ’ t do it anymore ” and I decided to keep my head office in Monaco and have branches in Qatar and in the Netherlands .
: Surely you have already appreciated Monaco ’ s potential in terms of financial opportunities and platforms to enhance any luxury
Entrance lobby , Berlin
Hello Monaco Winter 2021 – 2022 / 65 www . hellomonaco . ru